TreeHugger.com reports on the innovative San Francisco Urban Forest Mapping Project, which is a partnership between the Friends of the Urban Forest, the department of public works in the County of San Francisco, and Autodesk.
According to the project's website "by working together and leveraging new technology – MapGuide Open Source – the project team has created an Urban Forest Map, which digitally pinpoints the location of each tree, maintains tree data in a consistent database, and offers web access to the tree data – key for maintenance and planting efforts. The community can get involved by posting photos and stories about their own trees that they plant and map online."
This virtual project sounds really cool and hopefully it will support the planting efforts in San Francisco, where the city's goal is to plant 25,000 trees by 2010.
To learn more about this project, check out this video from QUED:
Eco-Libris: Plant a tree for every book you read!