Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Do the Seven Green Things!

We're following Do the Green Thing for a while and update you every month with their monthly Green Thing, which is always presented and explained in a fun and interesting way.

After their first year, which was very successful reaching over 2.1 million people from 171 countries worldwide and helping save in excess of 3.4m KGs of CO2, the Green Thing team has just launched a completely redesigned site.

It's not only a design, it's also a shift in the focus - from monthly green recommendation aimed to inspire people to go green, they shifted to to focus on
seven green things you can do - and enjoy doing. These things include as you can see prior monthly recommendations, as following (from their website):

1. You get from A to B without any C when you Walk The Walk
2. It’s delicious but it causes more CO2 than cars so go Easy On The Meat
3. Resist the urge to buy the latest and Stick With What You Got
4. Turn down the central heating and turn up the Human Heat
5. The art of wasting nothing and using up everything: All-Consuming
6. Instead of jetting your way around the world, Stay Grounded
7. Don’t leave it on or even put it on, Plug Out

this video is designed by Andrew Rae of Monkey Dust fame, illustrated by Tom Baker and voiced over by Aaron Willmer).

As always you're welcome to explore their great website - http://www.dothegreenthing.com and do the Green Thing!

Raz @ Eco-Libris

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