Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A new great book from Flux, 'The 5th Step' is going green with Eco-Libris

We are a proud partner of the Norwegian publisher Flux and already worked with them on couple of great books, including the Norwegian translation of Ken Wilber's "The Integral Vision" and "Deep Joy: Arne Næss on deep ecology."

Today we're happy to update you on a new book published by Flux that we're working on with them to plant trees for the printed copies. And it's not just a book, but one that its reading experience is described (by
John Peter Collett, Professor in modern history, University of Oslo ) as "an overwhelming experience."

This book is "The 5th Step" by
Dag Andersen. Here are some more details about the book:

Dag Andersen has written a spectacular, controversial and eye-opening book about our way to the future, discovering the laws of emotionality. The contents of this book may change the world.

Emotional energy is the driving force of history

Sooner or later, the content of this book will change the world. Whether the time is now, or whether subsequent books will lead to a breakthrough, remains to be seen.

The book about the 5th Step is an optimistic vision of the future. It points to new, positive goals and opportunities towards which we can all work. This is to do with science and technology but, most of all, it is to do with increased consciousness in each and every one of us.

At the same time, it gives a clear and profound analysis of our own age. It suggests a diagnosis for modernity’s final phase.

The book is controversial as it is meant to be. However, the basic analysis on which the vision of the future and contemporary diagnosis is founded, is both clear and verifiable. Dag Andersen does not ask us to believe in anything now or in the future. He invites us to join in the discovery of understanding and builds on this. The new, wider picture of reality is verifiable for everyone willing to accept the effort involved in investigating something new.

The book spans most of the 10,000-year history of western culture and ranges across every subject. However, as the writer points out in his foreword, the major systems are often simpler than the lesser ones. As a system, NATO is less complex than the brain of one of its soldiers. Historically, cultural trends lasting thousands of years have been easier to extrapolate than short-term economic cycles.

What is most surprising about the book is the discovery for which it shall be remembered: the discovery of the laws of emotion. They are just as important as the laws of physics. It is emotional energy that is the driving force of history - energy that builds families, wealth and empires – and which then breaks them up. It is emotional energies that get us to start wars and make peace. The first ones to consciously use these energies will soon leave the rest standing – and most people will rush to follow.

The 5th Step is a big book, and a rich one too. After it was first published in Norwegian, many people read it two or three times. Company bosses used it as a basis for developing their companies. Professor in Modern History, John Peter Collett, writes that, “Seldom in
Norway has such an expansive and intellectually inclined reasoning been put forward in such a lively and fascinating way.”

The book is translated to English Neil Howard.

Flux website: www.flux.no

Happy Earth Day!

Raz @ Eco-Libris

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