Friday, January 22, 2010

Flux is publishing a new edition of "Bridges to Ourselves" and is collaborating with Eco-Libris to green it up!

The Norwegian publisher Flux is releasing an updated edition of a very interesting book about dream interpenetration - "
Bridges to Ourselves" by Astri Hognestad. And it's going green with Eco-Libris!

Flux is partnering with Eco-Libris to plant trees to balance out the wonderful books they're publishing and "Bridges to Ourselves" is no different.
We're proud to announce that this book, as well as all the other books published by Flux is going green with Eco-Libris, and 325 trees are being planted to balance out this new Norwegian edition of the book.

So what is "Bridges to Ourselves" (or as the book is called in Norwegian: Broer til oss selv) about? Here's a description of the book:
When we are prevented from living fully, it's often because the life energy is shut down by acquired and ingrained attitudes, with narrow boundaries. We get different kinds of symptoms and reactions that either paralyze us or that are outside of our control. Inner conflict determine patterns of thought and hard feelings that are expressed in our dreams. Understanding dreams may turn out to create a new perspective on the situation and show the way forward.

Even fairytales can show us possible development paths. Fairytales are often symbolic stories of inner emotional processes. They create recognition and help us further. Based on the Titanic disaster as a symbol of a crisis in our time, the author sheds light on how the dreams, fairytales and other stories can open a new understanding of some central themes in life and to help create greater freedom and a deeper meaning in the individual's life.

The book aims to help us to understand our response patterns, so that we can live more in harmony with our own personality. Professionals who work with people can also benefit from the book.

More books from Flux:
Turning to One Another

Leadership and Self-Deception

The 100-years' Targets

The 5th Step

The Integral Vision

Dyp glede (Deep Joy):
Arne Næss on deep ecology


Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: promoting sustainable reading!

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