Friday, February 19, 2010

The number of eco-friendly papers has more than doubled in the past 18 months!

Wonderful news from Canopy! This great environmental non-profit organization that works to improve the environmental performance of paper and wood companies, reported earlier this month that the number of eco-friendly papers available in North America has more than doubled from 97 to 228 in the past 18 months!

According to Canopy (and thanks also to our friends at the Green Press Initiative for bringing this release to our attention), "the sharp increase in eco-paper options is the result of large paper buyers demanding more papers with ecological attributes, a growing trend despite recent troubles in the North American paper industry and global economy."

This is a very interesting trend and its importance is even greater, given the troubled economy and its influence on many paper buyers. Is it possible that more publishers see further business opportunities in purchasing greener papers? Possibly. Is it also a matter of pricing? Definitely. I believe that as we'll see premiums going down, it will be easier to present eco paper options as a business opportunity, or a win-win solution.

If you want to learn more about the eco paper options available, please go to Canopy's comprehensive Ecopaper database. There you'll find more than 350 of the best eco papers available in the North American marketplace.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!

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