"Barbie has a nasty deforestation habit - she is trashing rainforests in Indonesia, including areas that are home to some of the last tiger, orang-utans and elephants, just so she can wrap herself in pretty packaging."
Apparently, Ken wasn't aware of it either:
Greenpeace started this campaign against Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie, accusing it in contributing to deforestation in Indonesia "by using paper packaging for the world's most famous toy from Indonesia's most notorious rainforest destroyer Asia Pulp and Paper (APP)."
Not only that Greenpeace calls supporters to tell Mattel to stop destroying rainforests for toy packaging, but they also extended the protest to Mattel HQ, as our friend, Ralf Skar reported on Greenpeace USA website:
You can see photos of the protest at Mattel HQ on Greenpeace's flickr page.
More articles on Greenpeace and APP:
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) - good or bad? ITS is saying APP is good and actually Greenpeace is bad!
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) - good or bad? Rolf Skar of Greenpeace is replying to Ian Lifshitz
APP - good or bad? An interview with the sustainability manager of the world's most controversial paper company
Raz @ Eco-Libris
I gave up Nutella because I learned the palm oil production is destroying rainforests, so thanks for the head's up about sustainable packaging as well. No Barbie gifts! Thank you again, Eco-Libris, for the gift of knowledge. I'm VERY MUCH enjoying "The Healthy Home" that I won here. Hope to blog about it soon.