Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My article on Triple Pundit on Bibliotaxi, a new book-sharing service in Brazilian taxis

Here's an update on a new article I published on Triple Pundit on Bibliotaxi, a new service that is looking to transform taxis in Sao Paulo, Brazil into both libraries and community connection points.

The article is entitled "Bibliotaxi Transforms Cabs into Local Libraries". Here's the first paragraph of the article:

On a survey published earlier this year by NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission, 31.3% of the respondents picked the Taxi TV as the worst thing about cab riding today. Although so many New Yorkers hate these TV sets, the commission’s reply is actually adding another channel with more shopping and cooking shows. Maybe the commission should learn from a taxi service in a neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil that thought there might be a better alternative to provide cab riders with: Books.

To read the full article go to http://www.triplepundit.com/2011/08/bibliotaxi-brazilian-cab-riders-good-book-connect-community/

Links to other articles I wrote for Triple Pundit can be found at http://www.triplepundit.com/author/raz-godelnik/

Image credit: Bibliotaxi

1 comment:

  1. This sounds nice. If the taxi riders can watch TV shows, they won't feel bored. But there are some people who may not love watching TV. For them the option of providing books will work great. This is really wonderful to read this post. Thanks for sharing.
