Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A children’s bookstore is looking for funding on Kickstarter

GalleyCat reported last week on an interesting funding effort on Kickstarter - this time it's a children's bookstore. According to the report, children’s books illustrator Richard Christie is looking to raise $22,750 on Kickstarter to makeover his children’s bookstore, Gas-Art Gifts. The term “gas” is an acronym for “Gregarious Art Statements.”

So far Richard has $3,470 in pledges from 61 backers with 10 more days to go. It means that he still needs to raise $19,280 to meet his goal, or he won't receive any of this money. Here's a further description of his project followed by the video he put on Kickstarter:

We come to kickstarter because this children's and young teens' book store, needs a new look. this is an opportunity for you to make children's literacy as valued as the newest pair of sneakers. We desire a trendy looking store that puts literature along with tangible- handmade art on sleek pedestals and modern shelves.

With your support we can bring a passion for history and culture to teens and parents who may have never thought about these things.

The store will feature autographed children's books and handmade products at a reasonable price. Additionally the mall's management is fine with bringing in creative friends to do weekend long intensive workshops. It would be a fulfillment of a dream for us to teach the community to stop buying back their own culture from corporations. Most of the expensive items they wait in a line for, can easily be made or personalized with their own creativity. I miss the days when kids would buy a brand, then paint it, tear it, sew it and redesign it in to their own expression.

Workshops teaching book-binding,painting,t-shirt production,silk screening, even computer and cell phone cover design painting will be offered. I will have something to teach any aspiring art student or curious craft enthusiast.

You can check it out at

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Plant trees for your books!

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