Friday, March 16, 2012

Greenwashing the Lorax? Check my article on Triple Pundit about the use of the Lorax for commercial purposes

Here's an update on an article I published today on Triple Pundit on what looks to be a cynical use by corporations of a great children's book with an environmental message: The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. It deals with the 70 sponsorships the Lorax movie has and focuses especially on the use Mazda is doing of the Lorax to promote its new SUV.

The article is entitled 'Lorax Tie-ins Go Overboard: Is it Greenwashing?'. Here's the first part of the article:

41 years after Dr. Seuss wrote this story, the Lorax is back, this time on the big screen as an animated 3-D musical comedy film. The movie is already a big hit, grossing more than $125 million in its first two weeks. According to Box Office Mojo, this is the second best opening for a movie concerned with environmental issues after Avatar. Yet, as some critics would claim, it should not be considered a “green” movie at all, given its massive use for commercial purposes.

To read the full article go to

Links to other articles I wrote for Triple Pundit can be found at

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