I hope you all remember Co-op America's 2007 People's Choice Award for the Green Business of the Year.
We ran here an unofficial guide to the award, where we presented all the final 10 nominees. Last Saturday, the winner was announced in the San Francisco Green Festival:
Congratulations to ReusableBage.com. It's a great green business and it definitely deserves the award.
Co-Op America reported in its newsletter on the winner's response to the exciting news:
"Our ongoing mission since day one has been to change the status quo of society's use-and-toss mentality by providing sound, practical ideas and products," says Vincent Cobb, founder of ReusableBags.com. "We were thrilled to be nominated the past two years, and are incredibly honored to win this year's award."
San Francisco is clearly the place to give the award to ReusableBags.com, as it is the first (and for the best of my knowledge the only) city in the US where plastic bags are banned. I hope many cities and states will follow SF's leadership and will act to finish the destructive addiction to plastic bags. ReusableBags.com is the place to see the alternatives to plastic bags and to learn how easy it can be to go green when it comes to our shopping bags.
For those of you who didn't have the chance to read the on ReusableBags.com in our guide, you can find it here.
Eco-Libris: a great green gift for the holidays!
We ran here an unofficial guide to the award, where we presented all the final 10 nominees. Last Saturday, the winner was announced in the San Francisco Green Festival:
Congratulations to ReusableBage.com. It's a great green business and it definitely deserves the award.
Co-Op America reported in its newsletter on the winner's response to the exciting news:
"Our ongoing mission since day one has been to change the status quo of society's use-and-toss mentality by providing sound, practical ideas and products," says Vincent Cobb, founder of ReusableBags.com. "We were thrilled to be nominated the past two years, and are incredibly honored to win this year's award."
San Francisco is clearly the place to give the award to ReusableBags.com, as it is the first (and for the best of my knowledge the only) city in the US where plastic bags are banned. I hope many cities and states will follow SF's leadership and will act to finish the destructive addiction to plastic bags. ReusableBags.com is the place to see the alternatives to plastic bags and to learn how easy it can be to go green when it comes to our shopping bags.
For those of you who didn't have the chance to read the on ReusableBags.com in our guide, you can find it here.
Eco-Libris: a great green gift for the holidays!