The article ("For Books, Is Obama New Oprah?"), written by Motoko Rich about two weeks ago is discussing the effect of a mention Mr. Obama made on CBS in his first interview since winning the election, about having read “a new book out about F .D. R.’s first 100 days” without specifically naming a title or author.
Besides the riddle about the specific book he reffered to, there were other consquences: "Hill & Wang, an imprint of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, which originally printed fewer than 5,000 copies of “F D R: The First Hundred Days” in June and received scant review coverage in the United States, decided to reprint 5,000 copies on Monday morning, partly in response to orders from booksellers. In an e-mail message, Bob Wietrak, a vice president of merchandising for Barnes & Noble Booksellers, said the company had noticed an uptick in orders on following the interview and was trying to get more copies in stock."
Will we see more recommendations on books from President Obama? I'm quite sure we will (how about Obama's book club? that can be a change in the White House). And wouldn't it be great if one of them would be a green-themed book? Let's wait and see..
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