Every Friday we update you with a new app on the list, and today we're happy to introduce you with a great app that hopefully will get you walking! Our app is Every Body Walk! from everybodywalk.org . This app is for iPhone and android and it's free.
Here are more details about Every Body Walk! app:
Every Body Walk! is committed to get Americans up and moving. The Every Body Walk! app enables you to personalize your walking plan, connect with walking communities, learn about the latest fitness trends and tips and more. Get connected and get walking!
Track and save your own walking routes, build your walking history--then share your progress on Facebook! Discover walking groups and walking paths near you with an interactive map!
Read the latest news about walking, health news, trends and more!
Watch videos that include walking tips, how communities are embracing walking, advice from experts and more!
You can check top 100 green apps at http://www.ecolibris.net/greenapps.asp. As you'll see, this list is in work, but we promise to update it every week until we'll have all 100 green apps.
Last week's green app - MailStop Mobile app from Catalog Choice
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