We are very delighted to be part of this collaboration as this is the first children's book in Hebrew that is going green with Eco-Libris! This is our second collaboration with Burstein - on August 2010 we worked with him to plant trees and green up his book 'Natanya' - which was the first time we worked with a book in Hebrew, adding it to the growing list of languages of books we work with, which includes among others Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Italian and English.
'My Cup of Tea', the fourth book published by Dror Burstein, was released last week and is already available online (on this link you will find more details (in Hebrew) on the book). Even if you don't read in Hebrew, I'm sure you can appreciate the beautiful cover of the book (see photo above) by Meir Apelfeld, who is the illustrator of the book.
Here's more information about the author:
Dror Burstein was born in 1970 in Netanya, Israel, and lives in Tel Aviv. He first became a fully qualified lawyer, then he left the legal field and started studying literature. He received a PhD in Hebrew literature from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2001 and now teaches there as well as at Tel Aviv University. He also edits programs for Israel Radio`s music station and writes literary and art reviews. Burstein has been awarded the Jerusalem Prize for Literature (1997), the Ministry of Science and Culture Prize for Poetry (2002), the Bernstein Prize for his novel, Avner Brenner (2005) and the Prime Minister`s Prize (2006).
You can read Dror's blog (Under the Table) at http://drorb.wordpress.com/
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: promoting sustainable reading!