Yahoo! writes on their summary that "2007 may go down as the year people stopped talking about the climate crisis and actually did something about it." I am not sure I totally agree with it, as I believe we saw this year a lot of green buzz and not enough green action. In any case, there was definitely a huge increase in the awareness to green issues and therefore it's interesting to see what people are most interested at. So, here's Yahoo! list:
1. Recycling
2. Global Warming
3. Freecycle
4. Earth
5. Pollution
6. Al Gore
7. Environmental Protection Agency
8. Live Earth
9. Hybrid Cars
10. Solar Energy
Well, it's definitely an interesting list, showing that there is a thirst for information on personal actions (hybrid cars, recycling, solar energy) as well as on general topics (global warming, pollution, earth). I'm just wondering if the huge interest in Freecycle is due to its green elements (decreasing consumption of new stuff), or just because it's a cool and beneficial service, or maybe it's both..
For statistics fans, Yahoo! reports that "in terms of sheer search volume, residents of the Big Apple proved the most interested in global warming, edging out the environmentally conscious San Francisco Bay Area. When it came to hybrid cars, Los Angeles posted the most searches. Whether that's out of concern for the planet or frustration over gas prices and gridlock, we can't really say. "
I hope 2008 will be a year with the same green buzz and enthusiasm, but also with much more green action.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Raz @ Eco-Libris