I read at night, every so often. Usually, I read a book I like in 3 or 4 times.
Nevertheless, my favourite book is '84 Charing Cross Road' by Helene Hanff, a work that cannot be classified. I also liked 'Sex and the City' by Candace Bushnell ! I already read it two times.
I cannot say, but I have a linear shelving of nearly 10 meters with lots of architecture books, and quite a lot of mangas. I lent the other books I like and thus they are no longer in my library.
Photo: A small part of Sophie's home library

Without hesitation, a book by Pierre Rabhi, 'Parole de Terre', but also 'Conscience et environnement', another book by the same author.
Who is your favorite green author?
Pierre Rabhi, but to be honest every history books are green references to me. They show how daily life was in the past and especially they tell us about the rhythm of life, which is, to me, the cornerstone of sustainable development.
What green books do you have in your library at home?
'Pourquoi j’ai mangé mon père' by Roy Lewis, a few architecture books about nomadic settlement or green buildings for instance, such as the book written by the architect Glenn Murcutt.
Many mangas about the rhythm of life in the past, like for instance 'Seton' by Jiro taniguchi or 'La bicyclette rouge' by Kim Dong HWA, a Korean manga writer. Recently I liked 'Into the Wild' by Jon Krakauer.
Do you borrow books from friends? do you lend yours to others after you read them?
I lend the books I liked to others but they never come back to me, except the ones I only lend to my closest relatives. I buy or borrow books.
Are you registered to a library?
I am registered to a library but I only go to the children library near my house. Adult libraries have become impersonal media libraries, and I don’t really like to go there, I prefer a book I have heard about.
If you had to go to a deserted island, what 3 books would you take with you?
1. '84 Charing Cross Road' by Helene Hanff,
·2. a book I have not read yet but that I really want to discover. For example '80 hommes pour changer le monde' by Mathieu Le roux and Sylvain Darnil.
3. and maybe the biography of Nelson Mandela which I have not read yet (your previous interviewee really enjoyed it!)
What's your favorite bookstore?
All of them. There are two bookstores I really like, I always go in if I walk past them.
Entre les Lignes - 110 rue St Dominique 75007 PARIS
In the museum of the arts décoratifs ( fashion museum in the LOUVRE) in Paris -107, rue de Rivoli 75001 PARIS
Chantelivre (adults and children’s bookstore) - 13 r Sèvres 75006 PARIS 01 45 48 87 90
E-books - for or against?
E-books are not user-friendly neither in the desert, nor in a garden, and nor in the evening in one’s bed, so for now I do not need them.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: plant a tree for every book you read!
* photos of Sophie Young and the g=9.8 lingerie are courtesy of Sophie Young.
1 comment:
No wonder she's a success! She combined a recycling center with a museum and keeps herself anchored on the lessons of history at the same time.
All the best, Sophie! The world needs more thought leaders like you!
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