We're happy to open Earth Day with news on a new book released by our partner, the Norwegian publisher Flux. The book is the Norwegian version of 'TearSoup – A Recipe For Healing After Loss' by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen. It is beautifully illustrated by Taylor Bills.
As usual with Flux, this is a green celebration - we're proud to announce that this book, as well as all the other books published by Flux is going green with Eco-Libris, and 2,000 trees are being planted to balance out the Norwegian edition of this title!
Here's more about 'TearSoup - A Recipe For Healing After Loss', or as it is called in Norwegian 'Tåresuppe – En oppskrift på heling etter tap' (from the book's English version website):
This is a family story book that centers around an old and somewhat wise woman, Grandy. Grandy has just suffered a big loss in her life and so she is headed to the kitchen to make a special batch of Tear Soup.
There she chooses the size pot that is right for her loss, and she puts on her apron because she knows it's going to be messy. And then Grandy starts to cry. At first she weeps, then she sobs, eventually she wails.
Slowly the pot is filled with tears as the old woman steeps away. To season her soup Grandy adds memories like the good times and the bad times, the silly and the sad times. She does not want to forget even one precious memory of her loss.
Tear Soup recognizes and reinforces the fact that every member of the family from the youngest to the oldest will grieve in their own way. Taking their own time and in doing so, find those things which help them best. Essentially, we each make our own batch of Tear Soup when we grieve the loss of someone we love or for any major change in our lives. We make Tear Soup when we move far away from the ones we love, or lose our job.
Tear Soup is Universal. No one is left out. Because we never learn exactly who or what Grandy lost and why she is making Tear Soup, the story remains open to countless situations of bereavement and family members. By emphasizing the individual process of bereavement by making soup, Grandy's brings a warm and comfortable feeling to an otherwise difficult subject matter for many individuals.
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Leadership and Self-Deception
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Dyp glede (Deep Joy): Arne Næss on deep ecology
Happy Earth Day!
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: promoting sustainable reading!
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