Through the program, authors that publish with Infinity will be able to plant 100 trees for the title they publish. These authors will also have the option to add a special "100 trees planted for this book" logo to their book's design, as a way to showcase their commitment to environmental sustainability.
Today we're happy to update you about one of the latest books that joined the program - The Last Original Idea by Alan K'necht and Geri Rockstein. 100 trees will be planted for this book with Eco-Libris and you can also find our logo on the back cover of the book (see photo below).
What's this book about? Here's a description from its website:
The Last Original Idea – A Cynics View of Internet Marketing is a light hearted look at the state of Internet marketing today and traces back each of the elements to its historical roots, clearly demonstrating that companies who understood the mistakes of the past were able to be profitable in the present. Others are a mere memory, lost in cyber-space.
"Wisdom is about context. The Last Original Idea is a chronicle of communication and commerce as seen through the lens of the Internet. It is a must-have reference book for marketing people - if only to get a handle on all of those allusions you've heard, but can't quite place. This book puts the whole Internet phenomenon into perspective, takes the Gee-Whiz right out of it and leaves you with a view point tempered by time and seasoned with history. Just the thing for those who are rightfully fearful of repeating history." - Jim Sterne, Founder of the eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit and the Web Analytics Association

"The Last Original Idea" as of October 16, 2010 is available (softcover) only from Buy Books On The Web. The authors anticipate it being available on Amazon.com and Barnes & Nobel by November 5, 2010. The ebook version should be available for most popular ereaders before the end of November.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!
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