Come meet children's book author Jeanne McNaney as she introduces her new book "The Legend of Honey Hollow" at Borders bookstore on 1041 High Road, Stamford CT between 2-4 in the afternoon.
It should be a great event that will include singing, book signing and you'll even meet some of the characters. Want more? well, you got it - Jeanne McNaney has partnered with Eco-Libris and will plant a tree for every book sold on this event! Buyers of here book will get not only her autograph on their copy, but also our sticker (made of recycled paper), saying: "One tree planted for this book".
Here are some more details on this fun and exciting adventure book:
Title: The Legend of Honey Hollow
Description: Honey Hollow is not a place known to humans, but it is well-known to the bears of the world. Bears travel to this beautiful forest sanctuary to escape habitat destruction and global warming. The magical paradise has now been discovered by man. When the trees are cut down by developers, can the bears and the children of the loggers join together to save Honey Hollow for the future?
Author: Jeanne McNaney
Jeanne McNaney lives in Greenwich, Connecticut, with her husband, Joseph, and their three children. In addition to her passion for raising awareness about the environment and the plight of endangered species, she is dedicated to causes that enhance the lives of children and their families throughout the world.
Ilustrator: David Cochard
David Cochard has been a freelance illustrator since 1996. He currently resides in Argentina with his wife, Sandrine, where he runs his own illustration company, Ilustra World, and pursues his other passions-traveling and studying science and ecology.
Published on: January 2009
Reading level: ages 4-8
Book's website: http://www.honeyhollowbears.com/
Raz @ Eco-Libris
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