We're happy to announce on a new collaboration and a very unique one - we're partnering with Global Sky, a 300-seat Philippines based call center to plant 1 tree for every call center seat filled over the next year. Global Sky is expecting to plant more than 1,000 trees by the end of 2010.
Global Sky is not part of the book industry, but it is a growing company with many business customers (including Fortune 500 companies) who are using many tons of paper on regular basis. Hence our partnership is aimed no just at planting trees, which is an important act of its own, but also to inspire and influence Global Sky's customers to reduce their paper consumption and adopt greener practices when it comes to paper products.
And there's more. The initiative with Eco-Libris is a continuation of Global Sky's green initiative which features a 10% price discount for all clients who are undertaking similar environmentally focused efforts.
Here's a little more information about our new partner: Global Sky, Inc. is an award winning U.S. owned and managed high quality call center provider with 300 seats based in the Philippines. A Microsoft Approved Vendor and the Winner of 2 "Best of 118 Tracker" Awards, Global Sky counts among its clients Fortune 500 companies as well as progressive entrepreneurs and global executives.
For more information on Global Sky, please visit their website at www.global-sky.com. You can also read the press release on the collaboration here.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: promoting green printing!
1 comment:
Getting into the world of BPO and generating consistent BPO leads is one of the best ways to guarantee constant flow of income for your call centre business. If your contact centre primarily focuses on outbound call center then you need to have fresh leads.
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