Martino, an inventor and a poet, describes his poem as a real reverence for nature and ecology. I liked his poem very much and I would like to share it with you all:
Forest Green
"I choose to track though a thick carpet of forest green,
where natures beauty remains pristine.
Along paths that has never before bared a human print.
Where sacred ground remains unspoiled... and
fallen leaves remain unsoiled.
I worship the wilderness and natures laws,....
anything unnatural i abhor,...
it tears my heart to the very core.
I yearn to venture deep within the forest green,...
where no human life exists in between and wildlife
is seldom seen.
I prefer the hermits life,...away from all the
needless strife.
And, if and when, i fulfil my noble goals,...and
my final chapter then unfolds,....
i'll share my tale with all my heart and soul,.... to the
very young and the very old....
and until my story is fully told."
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: a great green gift for the holidays!