Today we have a great book for kids, one that goes green all the way from A to Z, and which was described by Hunter Lovins as "perfect for opening eyes and minds to a better way of living."
Our book today is:
An Environmental Guide From A to Z
Author: Tim MagnerIllustrator: Aubri Vincent-Barwood
Reading grade: 3-6
Publisher: Green Sugar Press
Published on: June 2009
What this book is about? (from the publisher's website)
By examining the elements, habitats and cycles in nature, An Environmental Guide introduces basic environmental science. Like the letters of the alphabet connect to build words and stories, the countless pieces and parts of nature weave, connect and link everything together.
With a compelling narrative and unforgettable images An Environmental Guide explores nature’s connections and brings awareness and a deeper understanding of how the world works. Even if you mastered the alphabet long ago, be prepared for a new adventure and see how, from A to Z, the beauty of nature provides air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat. Child or adult, get ready to see nature in a whole new light! Using clear prose and eye-catching illustrations, An Environmental Guide makes discovering the basics of the environment an adventure. Who could imagine nature could be so much fun for kids!
What we think about it?
The author, Tim Magner, said about the book that “our objective was to create a reading experience to inspire young explorers to open their minds to the wonders of the world and to the amazing nature right out their backdoor. If we can only get kids to unplug from their electronics long enough to give nature a chance. Nature provides all the answers we need.”
He's definitely right and this book is doing a very good job in proving this point. The presentation of the issues in the book creates a very clear picture of the world we're living in and makes children aware of the incredible world around them, which actually even us, the so called grown ups, tend to forget about or just ignore.
What I liked about this book is that although its a guide for children, it is not afraid to address serious issues like nature cycles, Darwin, energy, habitats and so on. Still, it's also a fun book that is full of staff that children are excited about, from adventures to unique animals. This combination, together with the beautiful illustrations make it such a unique and valuable book.
I also liked the fact that the book presents the kids with interesting figures and places, fro, Paolo Lugari or Jacques Cousteau to the Amazon Rainforest and Mount Kilimanjaro. It definitely helps to get children more involved and curious about nature, which is what this book is all about.
Will kids unplug from their electronics and give nature a chance like the author is hoping? I'm doubt that one book can make such a difference, but I think it has the potential of becoing a valuable tool in getting children more aware of the world around them and getting them more interested to further explore what's out there. And here's an idea - how about making this book a video game for kids (education one of course), wouldn't that be a great way to approach those who have difficulties to unplug?
Bottom line: it's recommended both for children and their parents. I would like also to mention that this is a green book literally - it's printed on a mix of post consumer waste recycled paper and FSC-certified paper.
If you're looking for other interesting green-themed books, you are invited to check out our green books page on Eco-Libris website's green resources section.
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