Hooray for Books! is a very special children's bookstore in Old Alexandria, VA. They're also taking part in our bookstores program and offer their customers to plant trees with us for the books they purchase at the store. And on March 29 they will host a launch party from 3-5 p.m. for award-winning author Marfé Ferguson Delano's new book, Earth In The Hot Seat: Bulletins from a Warming World.
Here are the details:
Earth in the Hot Seat: Bulletins from a Warming World
National Geographic Children's Books, March 2009
The Earth is getting warmer, and while the planet will survive this, many of its inhabitants may not, not if we can't slow the tons of carbon pouring into our atmosphere. Earth in the Hot Seat clearly explains the phenomenon of and the science behind global warming. It uses real people and real-life examples to report from the front lines of the fight to protect our warming planet. It explores the challenges—and the opportunities—presented by climate change…. Most important, it inspires us to care about the planet. It's the only one we've got.

You're all invited!
Raz @ Eco-Libris