Here's an update on a new article I published today on Triple Punditv on a new viral video about Whole Foods.
The article is entitled "It’s Getting REAL in the Whole Foods Parking Lot, Good News for Execs." Here's the first paragraph of the article:
I’m sure that when Whole Foods’ executives saw for the first time the YouTube video ‘Whole Foods Parking Lot (see the video below)’ they were relieved. This self-mocking parody on a shopper at Whole Foods, they’ve learned, is very funny and does not include any nasty language. You won’t find any mention of John Mackey (Whole Foods’ co-founder and co-CEO) and his positions on health care reform, unions and climate change, not to mention the code name “rahodeb.”
We’re safe, they probably told each other – no boycotting groups on Facebook this time, just more than 1.77 million people humming to themselves ‘It’s getting’ REAL in the Whole Foods Parking Lot’.
I’m sure that when Whole Foods’ executives saw for the first time the YouTube video ‘Whole Foods Parking Lot (see the video below)’ they were relieved. This self-mocking parody on a shopper at Whole Foods, they’ve learned, is very funny and does not include any nasty language. You won’t find any mention of John Mackey (Whole Foods’ co-founder and co-CEO) and his positions on health care reform, unions and climate change, not to mention the code name “rahodeb.”
We’re safe, they probably told each other – no boycotting groups on Facebook this time, just more than 1.77 million people humming to themselves ‘It’s getting’ REAL in the Whole Foods Parking Lot’.
And here's the video:
To read the full article go to http://www.triplepundit.com/2011/06/getting-real-foods-parking-lot-company-loves/
To read the full article go to http://www.triplepundit.com/2011/06/getting-real-foods-parking-lot-company-loves/
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