Our guest is Washington State University Press.
WSU Press is part of Washington State University, located in Pullman, Washington. A member of the Association of American University Presses, we publish in a wide variety of genres, including scholarly and trade monographs, reminiscences, essays, and biographies. We seek imaginative works that tell the story of the West in innovative ways. Currently, we publish 4-6 titles each year. We are proud to be a "green" press.The WSU campus printing facility where most of our books are published, was the first university publisher to become FSC certified.
WSU Press is participating in the campaign with the following books (all printed on FSC-certified paper):

2. An Election for the Ages by Trova Heffernan
3. Finding Chief Kamiakin: The Life and Legacy of a Northwest Patriot by Richard Scheuerman and Michael Finley
4. Greenscapes: Olmsted's Pacific Northwest by Joan Hockaday
5. Making the Grade: Plucky Schoolmarms of Kittitas Country Barb Owen
6. Season of Suffering: Coming of Age in Occupied France, 1940-45 by Nicole Taflinger
7. Shaper of Seattle: Reginald Heber Thomson's Pacific Northwest by William Wilson
8. Slick as a Mitten: Ezra Meeker's Klondike Enterprise by Dennis Larsen
9. Tree Top: Creating a Fruit Revolution by David Stratton
You can read more information on all of these books at wsupress.wsu.edu/shop/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=54
Why do you believe books should be printed on eco-friendly paper?
Books should be printed on eco-friendly paper because it is one way publishers can contribute to preserving the environment. When done responsibly, paper, and by extension, books, can be produced in an economically sustainable way. A key facet of that is to support paper manufacturers who also are committed to preserving the environment all across the supply chain, from the tree to the final product.
What is your policy on using eco-friendly paper?
Our policy is to select eco-friendly paper whenever possible. In March 2008, Washington State University’s in-house printing plant became the first at a higher education institution to be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). WSU Press books do not currently display the logo, but we have plans to change that soon.
Are there other ways you're going green?
Washington State University has been limiting paper use, using soy-based inks, recycling waste products, and purchasing Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified papers for many years. The university has purchased a full-color digital printer, which requires substantially less paper for proofs.
For offset printing, a recent acquisition is equipment that moves directly from electronic files to plates, eliminating the need for the intermediate step of film. Because WSU owns the printing presses, we are able to print, warehouse, and ship our books from our campus location. Our books are manufactured in America and our press operators are paid a living wage.
What's your advice to readers that would like to make their book purchasing more sustainable?
Readers can try to become familiar with the members and logos of organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council, the Green Press Initiative, or the Rainforest Alliance, and look for those publishers and products that have the logos before making purchases.
The Green Books Campaign's page is http://www.ecolibris.net/greenbookscampaign2010.asp. You can also follow the campaign on Facebook and twitter.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!