BookSwim rents books like Netflix rents movies, with the convenience of free home delivery and best-sellers guaranteed in stock. As you may remember we collaborate with them in their special offering of gift cards - a tree will be planted with Eco-Libris in honor of every gift purchased.
You can read more about BookSwim on Forbes.com, where you can find their 500-word write-up and watch their 30-second "elevator pitch" video. You can also read what they intend to do with the prize once they get it.
BookSwim is a great green business and we warmly recommend to vote for them!
The vote itself is very simple and can be made at http://boost09.perfectprize.com/voting/. Please don't forget to confirm the link that gets sent to your email otherwise your vote won't count. Make sure you uncheck any boxes so you don't get spam.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: promoting sustainable reading!