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Hello Angela. What is your green resolution for 2009?
1. Get tough with garbage - I am trying hard to think about what I put into the garbage and see if there is a way to reuse the item. It is so easy to throw stuff away. I’ve started keeping a pile that can be donated or given to someone in need. And using old stuff to make a craft pile that the kids can use. They find great fun making things with old bits of yarn, buttons, cardboard, and so on.
2. Use green products at home - Over the past year I have eliminated a lot of toxic chemicals that had been in use in my house. I didn’t realize that most laundry detergent is a petroleum product! So this journey continues.
3. Educate my children about green living - They remind us when we lapse because they have great memories and want to do the right thing. I left the water running between veggie washing and my son kindly reminded me to turn it off. Children make great coaches.
4. Continue to educate about the benefits of eBooks - We all know that books come from trees, but it goes much further when you add in trees being cut down, pollution to create the paper, fuel to deliver and so on. If we choose to read a few eBooks per year rather than buy paper books the difference we can make would be enormous.
What's your green wish for 2009?
World peace of course! Read eBooks! And another wish for 2009 is that manufacturers will produce less packaging; and that we consumers will not want it. A few years ago I was in
Other greetings for the New Year?
EcoBrain would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2009. Let’s continue to make this world a better place.
Any other plans for 2009 you would like to share with our readers?
EcoBrain continues to offer great eBook titles at great prices to our customers. We love to hear feedback, so let us know what you think and if there is something you’d like to see. Happy New Year!!!
Thanks, Angela!
To learn more about the eBooks offered at EcoBrain, you are welcome to visit EcoBrain's website at http://www.ecobrain.com
More articles related to EcoBrain:
The eBooks that will help your business go green!
eBooks - A Greener Choice or Not?
Green Options: Want to Green Your Addiction to Books? Buy Ebooks
So far on "My Green Resolution for 2009":
Author Amy Guth of the Pilcrow Lit Fest and So New Publishing
Dr. Anne Hallum of the International Alliance for Reforestation (AIR)
Surendra James Conti of East West Bookstore
Jennifer Taylor of GreetQ
Bill Roth, author of "On Empty (Out of Time)"
Vonda Schaefer of Valley Books
Madeline Kaplan, author of "Planet Earth Gets Well"
Edain Duguay of Wyrdwood Publications
Raz @ Eco-Libris