We asked you to share with us your tips on going green and saving money, just like the ones you can find in this great book. We got great replies with a variety of suggestions from using cloth diapers to buying beer at the local brewery in returnable bottles.
And we have a winner! The winner is the reader sweetbunnabunny, who wrote the following:
We recently went from a two-income household to a one-income household... it was a difficult adjustment! While revamping our budget, I knew I wasn't willing to sacrifice healthy, organic food in order to save money. Now, I make everything I possibly can from scratch. Plus, I'm growing more veggies and herbs in my backyard, and frequenting the local farmer's market more often. Now we eat better than we ever have for very little money!
Congrats to the winner, who will receive a copy of the book. We will also plant one tree for it! Thanks also to all the participants.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: promoting green reading!