This upcoming we'll have a green book review not only on Monday, but on every day of the week!
And of course, more reviews mean more giveaways, so next week watch out for three giveaways in one week!
We have some really great books, which cover a wide range of green themes. Here's our plan for next week:Monday:The Green Year: 365 Small Things You Can Do to Make a Big Difference by Jodi Helmer
Tuesday: The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle
Wednesday: A Conservationist Manifesto Scott Russell Sanders
Thursday: The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget: Save Money. Save Time. Save the Planet by Josh Dorfman
Friday: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Greening Your Business by Trish Riley and Heather Gadonniex
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: promoting green reading!