Customers at The Galaxy Bookshop will have the opportunity to pay $1 to plant a tree to balance each book they purchase in the store. They will also receive an Eco-Libris sticker (made of recycled paper) at the counter for each book they balance out, saying 'One tree planted for this book'.
Here's a little bit about The Galaxy Bookshop:
Linda Ramsdell opened The Galaxy Bookshop in the old Firehouse Building (which now houses G.R.A.C.E.) back in 1988, with a starting inventory of about 50 books. After spending time in two different locations on Main Street, Linda enlisted the help of many good friends who, with a number of grocery carts, "Moved The Galaxy in the Year of Hale-Bopp" to its current home on 7 Mill Street in Hardwick.
Now the store is housed in a former bank building, and they still have a large vault in the middle of the store, as well as a drive-through window that people occasionally use for picking up books. Cool!

You can see our calendar of events here: http://www.galaxybookshop.com/NASApp/store/IndexJsp?s=storeevents. On Galaxy's website (www.galaxybookshop.com), you can also find staff recommendations, information about local authors, and more.
Raz @ Eco-Libris