Amy Guth is Digital Coordinator/Books for the Chicago Tribune and writes the local literary blog, Chicago Subtext, for the Tribune's Chicago Now blog network. She is the founder of Pilcrow Lit Fest (which partnered with Eco-Libris for the second time this year), managing editor at So New, a regular crew member at Reading Under The Influence and author of Three Fallen Women (2006).
Previously, she has written for a variety of national and online publications, many of which can be seen here. In addition to her personal blog, Bigmouth Indeed Strikes Again, she also writes a fitness blog, Bonkless, is a new-ish filmmaker and a disaster and mass care volunteer for the American Red Cross of Greater Chicago. Previously, she collaborated in several sketch comedy productions at Second City's training center and other improv comedy venues, served as assistant fiction editor at 42 Opus, and hosted/curated Chicago's Fixx Reading Series.
For more info, please visit the FAQ page of her main blog or follow her on Twitter.

Hi Amy, what are you reading now?
I'm reading both How To Hold A Woman by Billy Lombardo and Sunlight at Midnight, Darkness at Noon by Cunningham and McCreesh. Both are from local Chicago publishers-- OV Books and Orange Alert Press, respectively-- and I'm enjoying both very much.
I tend to read more than one book at a time. Occupational hazard.
Any recommendation on a good summer reading?
I tend to want to read dark, mysterious inner-transformation of protagonist sorts of things in the winter and bright, incredible stories of inner-transformation of the protagonist in the summer. [laughs] I never really seek that out, per se, I just tend to intuitively gravitate towards different things in different weather. I think the key elements of a good summer read is something you can set down and pick back up again later and not have to page back to remember. The ideal summer read has literary weight to it, but it also clips along so you, the reader, and step in and out of it as needed.
What you are planning to read this summer?
I am trying to re-read some classic novels I read as a teenager. I see them so differently now. Years will bring that kind of perspective.
I am trying to re-read some classic novels I read as a teenager. I see them so differently now. Years will bring that kind of perspective.
What is your favorite place to read in the summer?
An outdoor cafe, in warm sunshine, with a good pinot grigio and a plate of olives. That's about as good as it gets for me.
Christian Valentiner of the Norwegian publisher Flux
Avrim Topel, co-author of 'My Green Beginnings'
Tania Hershman, author of 'The White Road and Other Stories'
Elisabeth Baines, author of the upcoming book 'Too Many Magpie'
Erica Caldwell of the bookstore Present Tense
Sue Schrader of the bookstore Sources of Hope
Jennifer Taylor of GreetQ
Kathleen Wilson, author of "Rumer & Qix"
Edain Dugay of Wyrdwood Publications
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: promoting green reading