Now you can read about it more on the latest issue of the Ethical Corporation Magazine. In this issue published on 1 February, the magazine shows how investors could make money and save trees through market-based schemes for rainforest conservation.
The magazine describes what you are expected to find on their report: "In an in-depth special report, Ethical Corporation magazine looks at the financial instruments being devised to protect rainforests, such as carbon offsets for avoided deforestation, and asks whether they can work for investors and tropical regions."
The main opportunity for investors stems from the carbon market. Carbon financing based on forest protection wasn't permitted under the Kyoto Protocol, but as we reported in the past, it was discussed in the U.N.’s Bali meeting in December 2007 (and also in Poznan in 2008), and though it is not approved yet, there's a good chance it will be part of the post-Kyoto protocol that will replace in 2012 and should be finalized in Copenhagen later on this year.
So since we're talking about an instrument that hasn't been approved yet, there are definitely some risks involved, but accordingly of course investors are seeing better pricing (and returns). It's a very interesting and important subject and this article is definitely worth reading (subscription is required).
What else you can find on this issue? check it out here - http://www.ethicalcorp.com/content.asp?ContentID=6307
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Raz @ Eco-Libris