We got many great comments about your kids' monsters, and the most popular one is no other than Elmo chosen by many of you. Our winning monster though was slightly different and very creative if I might add. So the winner in our giveaway is the reader sunflourchic, who wrote the following:
Update (3/9/09): Since we haven't heard from the original winner, the prize is going to Patricia who wrote the following: "We have TWO favorite monsters in this house. 1. Bernard from Where the Wild Things Are. He is the one with the human feet and yes, all the monsters have names! My son always thought it was so funny that a monster had feet just like him! 2. The Typhoonagator from Mercer Mayer's Little Monster Rhymes. My daughter loves to point out when it is windy and my son will always remind her that the Typhonnagator must be around-this always makes them laugh."
Raz @ Eco-Libris
My daughter's favorite monster is the "Green Goofus." This is a monster that we made up when she was scared to sleep in her big girl bed. The Green Goofus is a funny little monster that sits by the door to make sure that only nice monsters come into play.