Launched in 2009 by Eco-Libris, the Green Books Campaign is looking to promote books printed on environmental paper by turning a spotlight on books that are already printed this way. Our goal is to raise book buyers' awareness and create a discussion on the ways books should be printed, using the power of the Internet and social media to create a buzz and get the word out on the campaign.
We want it to be an interactive discussion and therefore we have a new Facebook page, where where you can follow news and updates on the campaign in the upcoming 18 days. You're also welcome to add your thoughts, ideas and questions there! The campaign is now also on Twitter and you can follow it at @greenbooks2010.
And if you want to join the green celebration, we still have room for 5 more bloggers! We still have 50 books you can choose from for review at http://www.ecolibris.net/greenbookscampaign_list.pdf
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!