The winner is Laureen who wrote the following:
"We do many things and constantly come up with ways to do more. We are very conscientious about our water use, not letting the faucet run at all, usually using cold water instead of warm (saving on electricity), flushing less often (unless necessary) ;), etc. We recycle together, walk whenever possible and always turn off lights when we do not absolutely need them. Thanks for this great giveaway!"
Congrats Laureen! You won a copy of the book, which is a gift of the publisher Beaufort Books. To those who didn't win (and all the rest) - I invite you to join our Facebook group, where we have every day a giveaway of green books, including couple copies of "Sammy and Sue Go Green Too!". Also if you want to meet the author of the “Sammy & Sue” book series, Suzanne Corso, and her daughter Samantha, you can do it at these upcoming readings of “Go Green Too!”. Check back dates of future events.
- GO GREENEXPO (April 17-20)
- Earth Week NYC - Grand Central Station (April 24)
- Barney’s New York (April 25)
- Ronald McDonald House (May 2)
- Book Expo America (May 28-30)
- NY Reads Together and the NYC Public Schools Reading Series (tbd)
Raz @ Eco-Libris