Today we're celebrating tip no. 50 with Greg who is presenting the most important elements a designer should look into when they want to green up printing job.
Can we help your designer think Green on your next print job?
Tip #50

Let's write down the important elements of going Green in your printing.
1. Paper: Tell your designer to consider using 100% post-consumer waste, recycled paper, or tree free alternatives.
2.. Inks or toners: remind your designer to ask for soy or vegetable based inks or 100% non toxic toner.
3. Green Energy: Make sure the plant you choose is using renewable energy. Ask if the energy is derived from Wind, Biogas or Soar Energy.
4. Layout: Maximize the paper, with little waste. Choose your print size to leave little waste paper space. It is environmental and a huge cost savings.
5. Bleaching Process: Ask for 100% Processed Chlorine Free paper. This will eliminate the creation of Dioxins, which are poisonous to all of us. 100% PCF bleaching is using Oxygen or Hydrogen Peroxide, not Chlorine.
6. Water: Using 100% PCW paper is saving our precious water supply. Recycled paper uses a lot less water.
7. Energy: Using 100% PCW paper uses a fraction of the energy to make the paper. If you use our Rock Paper, there is also a substantial energy and water reduction.
8. Carbon Footprint: To be Carbon Neutral, you must analyze the energy use, the water use, the inks or toners, the paper, etc. You may discover that one negative can be overcome by the positives. For instance, TerraSkin is a good Carbon Footprint paper, since it uses little energy and water to make the resulting paper. That overrides the freight. The Carbon Footprint will be favorable for Rock Paper, and 100% Post-Consumer Waste paper.
Have your designer ask the paper company and the printer to check all these points, before you decide on your next Green project.
For additional information, please visit www.gregbarberco.com and www.ecofriendlyprinter.com. You're also invited to contact Greg via email at greg@gregbarberco.com
You can find links to all the tips at http://www.ecolibris.net/greentips.asp
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: promoting green printing!