The Green Marketing Manifesto
Author: John Grant
John Grant co-founded St Luke’s the innovative and socially aware London ad agency. Working with clients such as the Body Shop as well as mainstream brands, St Luke’s pioneered the view of a company’s “Total Role in Society” and operated as an employee shareholder democracy. Since leaving in 1999 he has worked as an independent consultant.
John’s previous books which all deal with ‘what’s new?’ have earned widespread praise, popularity and critical acclaim, and include 'The New Marketing Manifesto' (1999), 'After Image' (2002) and 'Brand Innovation Manifesto' (2006). John is also a prolific blogger and writer of articles and reports. His current thoughts on green marketing can be found at http://greenormal.blogspot.com/ and he is also the official blogger for the Green Awards.
Publisher: Wiley
Published in: November 2007 (Hardcover)
What it is about: According to the book description, the Green Marketing Manifesto provides a roadmap on how to organize green marketing effectively and sustainably. It offers a fresh start for green marketing, one that provides a practical and ingenious approach.
The book offers many examples from companies and brands who are making headway in this difficult arena, such as Marks & Spencer, Sky, Virgin, Toyota, Tesco, O2 to give an indication of the potential of this route.
John Grant creates a ‘Green Matrix’ as a tool for examining current practice and the practice that the future needs to embrace.
In an interview to psfk.com, he explained where it all started: "I wrote the book (originally it started as a paper for a potential client project) to try to make sense of the torrent of recent green marketing initiatives. I wanted to sift out what was greenwash and what had substance – and also try to get to what was actually working, and why; and to map out the terrain a bit."
This book is intended to assist marketers, by means of clear and practical guidance, through a complex transition towards meaningful green marketing.
Why you should get it:
1. Marketing is not everything, but it is critical for the success of every green product or service.
2. The book is eco-friendly - printed on FSC certified paper and using vegetable-based ink. It's also written on its cover: Please don't put this book in a plastic shopping bag. It may sounds obvious, but it's the first book where I see such a text on the cover.
3. I like the way Grant defined it in another interview as a book "about a sustainable economy and making green normal as opposed to ‘green-washing’, which is making normal look green. "
What others say on the book: "brilliant book...that will forever change the way you look at green marketing." (psfk.com, Nov 27, 2007)
"outlines how environmentalism increasingly informs business strategy" (Reuters, Nov 29, 2007)
"...the book casts new insight into green marketing" (naturalchoice.co.uk, Tuesday 18th December 2007)
What others say on the book: "brilliant book...that will forever change the way you look at green marketing." (psfk.com, Nov 27, 2007)
"outlines how environmentalism increasingly informs business strategy" (Reuters, Nov 29, 2007)
"...the book casts new insight into green marketing" (naturalchoice.co.uk, Tuesday 18th December 2007)
If you want to get to know better the author, John Grant, and what he has to say on green marketing, you can check his interesting blog, greenormal. Here are also few bits of him talking on the book launch in London (Nov 2007):
Enjoy the book, and if you're looking for the full list of green books reviewed and presented on our blog, check out our green books page.
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Enjoy the book, and if you're looking for the full list of green books reviewed and presented on our blog, check out our green books page.
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