Which green book fits summer the best? SmartPlanet's team chose ten of the hottest eco books of the season, from ethical wedding and green beauty guides to eco getaway listings and tips for recycling rubbish.
This guide includes green books such as How Green Are My Wellies?, by Anna Shepard, Ecoescape 2008, by Laura Burgess and more. You can find the SmartPlanet's guide at http://www.smartplanet.com/news/household/10001230/10-great-green-books-for-summer.htm.
The guide also reminds that you can always green up these books by balancing them out with Eco-Libris, as well use swapping books sites such as BookCrossing and greenmetropolis.com. We definitely support both recommendations!
The guide also reminds that you can always green up these books by balancing them out with Eco-Libris, as well use swapping books sites such as BookCrossing and greenmetropolis.com. We definitely support both recommendations!
And last word - thank you to all the dear people who sent their congrats for my beautiful new baby girl - Shira (see photo below)! Shira is already doing her first green steps and I can't wait to read her a green book :-)

Raz @ Eco-Libris