Starting today you can find two special offers for the holidays on our website. So if you are looking for a unique green gift in an affordable price, you are welcome to check out these offers:
1. Special Eco-Libris gift for the holidays - Plant trees to balance out the books your loved ones read. We will send them a beautiful holiday card and Eco-Libris stickers to display on their books’ sleeves. Just change the shipping address on the payment page to the address of the gift receiver and we will take care of the rest!
The holiday greeting cards we send are made by Doodle Greetings (a Co-op America member) from Kensington, MD. Not only these cards come with a beautiful design, but they are also eco-friendly - printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper and are made chlorine-free and acid free. Furthermore, according to Doodel Greeting's website, the paper is made entirely with renewable energy (primarily wind power). Sounds like a good fit with Eco-Libris stickers!
2. Special Eco-Libris gift certificate - give an Eco-Libris gift certificate to the people you care about, with which they will be able to plant trees for the books they read. For every tree planted, we will send them an Eco-Libris sticker to display on their book’s sleeve.
All you have to do is to choose the gift certificate you would like to give (we have certificates starting from $5), press the 'buy' button and fill in the details on PayPal page. You can later decide if you want to send the certificate online or print it and send it by mail.
Please note that you don't need to have a paypal account to purchase the gift certificate (PayPal accepts credit and debit cards), but the gift receiver will need to open a PayPal account (free of cost) to use your gift certificate.
As we told you last week, Eco-Libris is featured in TreeHugger's 2007 gift guide and we're very proud of it. We truly hope to see many eco-conscious readers go green this holiday season with Eco-Libris.
And of course, if you want to give a green book as a gift don't forget to check out our weekly green guide for book lovers.
Happy Holidays!
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: a great green gift for the holidays!
Eco-Libris: a great green gift for the holidays!