Bill is collaborating with Eco-Libris to plant a tree for every printed copy of the book. Each book will have an Eco-Libris sticker saying "One tree planted for this book".
My dream for 2009 is that
This means that as individuals we reduced our consumption of gasoline, electricity, plastics and beef by 20% to achieve the UN’s target for 2020 CO2 emission reductions this year. By the way, that would put approximately $500-$1000 annually in each of our pockets!
And here’s one path for achieving this result, make Fridays your “save to gain day” by not eating red meat, buying only locally grown food, doing something other than commuting to work in your car, not consuming anything that comes in a throw away container and turning your thermostat up or down 5 degrees in the direction that will reduce energy consumption.
It means that our governments adopts energy efficiency standards for ALL buildings designed to reduce energy and water demand by 20% and will facilitate this re-engineering of our buildings by providing 30 year financing at a 3% interest rate to pay for the upgrades. This will re-stimulate our construction and manufacturing industries with millions of good paying jobs and the 3% interest rate is not a subsidy, that’s today’s interest rate on a 30 year government bond.
In my book, On Empty (out of time) I outline the fullest range of technologies and government policies that will produce Energy Independence, lower pump/meter prices and Global Warming solutions. We have the technologies and our consumers are the best in the world in adopting new technologies. What we need is only commitment, by our government and by us as American consumers.
Any green resolutions on the personal level for the 2009?My personal green resolution is to reduce my use of plastic water bottles. The
And I am happy to report that I continue to implement last year’s resolution of carrying a reusable grocery bag rather than relying upon “paper or plastic” provided by the grocery store.
And we are now out of time. We face a recession because of high oil prices and the military cost of protecting someone else's oil fields. And a new crisis, Global Warming, is emerging.
On Empty graphically details the imminent threat of economic and environmental disaster and proposes fresh solutions for achieving a "Man on the Moon" crash program of deploying American-owned sustainable technologies. And it outlines how you, the American Consumer, will lead the charge.
You can buy the book at http://www.onemptyroth.com.
So far on "My Green Resolution for 2009":
Vonda Schaefer of Valley Books
Madeline Kaplan, author of "Planet Earth Gets Well"
Chris Flynn of Torpedo
Edain Duguay of Wyrdwood Publications
Raz @ Eco-Libris