If you want to learn more about the eBook wars, we recommend on a very interesting podcast that will take place today.
This is a special Beyond the Book live podcast (http://beyondthebookcast.com/live-webcast/), taking place this Wednesday, Feb. 10th from 2PM – 3PM EST. During the podcast, Copyright Clearance Center’s Chris Kenneally will be examining the eBook Wars, which are taking shape with MacMillan challenging Amazon and the rise of eReaders and the iPad. Chris and his panelists will look at all sides of the e-book story and what future battles may bring to the print and digital marketplace. The podcast will air live on BlogTalkRadio: http://bit.ly/drJipN
· Andrew Albanese, features editor at Publishers Weekly;
Sara Nelson, Books Editor, “O” Magazine;
Brian O’Leary, Founder & Principal, Magellan Media Partners; and
Mike Shatzkin, Founder & CEO, The Idea Logical Company, Inc.,
Raz @ Eco-Libris