In partnership with Eco-Libris, Process will now plant a tree for every book that is ordered directly through their website. Each book will come with a sticker from Eco-Libris to remind you of the tree planted for this book.
They also have a cool holiday promotion:
Buy two Process or Feral House books, and get a third book *free*, from now until December 24th.
So, let’s say you want the holy trinity of The Source, Eye Mind, and Moondog, for your Uncle Bob.... Or maybe a Feral fix of the bestseller Dark Mission: The Secret History of Nasa, the super saucy Hollywood Hellfire Club, and Kim Jong Il's Ministry of Truth...
If you order directly through the website, you'll save 1/3 off the retail price.
Here's how it works: order two books with a credit card from the website. As soon as you place the order, send a separate email (to info@feralhouse.com ) with the title of the third book you would like to be sent to you (the third book must be the same price or lower than the others). Then all the books will be sent together, within 1-2 days. Every book will be balanced out by planting a tree with Eco-Libris.
So take advantage of these great offers, support eco-conscious independent publishing and discover the exciting world of Process this holiday season.
Eylon Israely @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: a great green gift for the holidays!