Last August we announced here on a new collaboration with Global Sky, a 300-seat Philippines based call center. Their goal was to plant 1 tree for every call center seat filled over the next year, reaching a total of more than 1,000 trees by the end of 2010.
We're happy to update you that Global Sky is exceeding its goals and a US and our collaboration has already resulted in more than 600 trees planted! Global Sky, Inc. is an award winning U.S. owned and managed high quality call center provider with 300 seats based in the Philippines. A Microsoft Approved Vendor and the Winner of 2 "Best of 118 Tracker" Awards, Global Sky counts among its clients Fortune 500 companies as well as progressive entrepreneurs and global executives.
Global Sky's partnership with Eco-Libris is part of their efforts to positively impact the environment and to promote greater awareness among its clients of environmental issues. Already, they provide a 10% price discount for all clients who are undertaking similar environmentally focused efforts.
James Stinson, Global Sky's CEO is saying in a press release the company published that "It feels good knowing that long after we're gone, the investments we make in mother Earth will keep on yielding. That kind of productivity is hard to measure." We totally agree with him, and as the Chinese proverb says: "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
We congratulate Global Sky for their achievement and hope this will be another example of how you can do well by doing good, as Global Sky is building its reputation among clients as a socially-responsible company and a trusted partner.
The trees planted on behalf of Global Sky are planted with Eco-Libris partners that work in collaboration with local communities in developing countries in Latin America and Africa, where deforestation is a crucial problem. Planting trees in these places not only helps to fight climate change and conserve soil and water, but also benefits many local people, for whom these trees offer many benefits, such as improvement of crops and additional food and income, and an opportunity for a better future.
The press release is available here.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
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