Our guest today is Loving Healing Press.

Our product line includes books by social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements with their methods.
And now to the questionnaire (all publishers were asked to reply the same four questions):
Why do you believe books should be printed on eco-friendly paper?
We believe that taking responsibility for the products they produce is the best thing businesses can do to help create a greener planet. In any manufacturing process, for example publishing, the key place to start monitoring is your source of raw materials. Are the raw materials harvested in sustainable ways? Do they use post-consumer waste? Is there a clear trail of accountability and certification? These are three questions that responsible consumers can ask of any 21st century enterprise, regardless of the company's stated or unstated ecological goals.
From my own personal view, I really abhor waste of the Earth's natural resources so as a publisher I make sure "Do you have eco-friendly paper" is the first question we ask to printers who bid our projects. Paper is one of the few resources which can be produced in easily sustainable ways so we owe it to our readers to make sure that we've done the best we can to produce an eco-friendly product - starting with the raw materials!
What is your policy on using eco-friendly paper?
Since 2008, we have shifted 100% of our publishing output to use eco-friendly paper. That is specifically, paper that is high in post-consumer waste, using materials harvested from sustainable forestry, and that has a clear chain of accountability.
Are there other ways you're going green?
Paper is only the first step to publishing in a green way. Specifically, we leverage Print-On-Demand technology to make sure we never overproduce and waste raw materials. Also, the POD technology insures that books most often go from the factory to the bookstore without a long, useless detour to faraway warehouses. Additionally, POD means that books will arrive in pristine condition and won't suffer damage from a long shelf-life from typical warehouse storage problems like humidity, water damage, and pests.
What's your advice to readers that would like to make their book purchasing more sustainable?
Well, my authors may not like this because there are no royalties, but you always have the option of "re-use". In terms of books, this means purchasing a used copy instead of a new copy. A used book which no one wants is simply a wasted resource and re-use is an order of magnitude less impactful on the environment than recycling so give that book to a friend when you're done with it!
If you can't find a used copy, go local! Ask your local bookseller a couple miles down the road if they have the book before clicking your mouse and having a book sent 2,500 miles to your doorstep. It's a challenge to buy local, but you can do it if you try.

1. AD/HD SUCCESS!: Solutions for Boosting Self-Esteem / The Diary Method for Ages 7-17 by Kelin Bellak-Adams will be reviewed on Books and Needlepoint
2. Alphabet Meditations for Teachers: Everday Wisdom for Educators by Nancy Oelklaus will be reviewed on Dolce Bellezza
3. Authors Access: 30 Success Secrets for Authors and Publishers by Watson, Tichelaar, and Volkman will be reviewed on JPB Lighting
4. Because all is not lost: Verse on Grief by Sweta Vikram will be reviewed on Kelly [Former] France Blog
5. Billy Had To Move: A Foster Care Story by Teresa Coyne will be reviewed on Write for a Reader
6. Confessions of a Trauma Junkie: My Life as a Nurse Paramedic by Sherry Jones Mayo will be reviewed on Minding Spot
7. Ferdinand Uses The Potty: An Empowering Toilet Training Tale by Jason Tcuker will be reviewed by Leslie Loves Veggies
8. Got An Angry kid?: Parenting Spike, A Seriously Difficult Child by Andrew Gibson will be reviewed on Confessions of an Overworked Mom
9. How to Unbreak Your Health, 2nd Ed: The Complete Guide to Complementary & Alternative Therapies by Alan Smith will be reviewed on Amused By Books
10. Mental Illness and Your Town: 37 Ways for Communities to Help and Heal by Larry Hayes will be reviewed on AndiLit.com
11. Mindfulness and The Art of Choice, 2nd Edition: Transform Your Life by Karen Sherman will be reviewed on Joy and Wonder
12. More Than A Memory: Reflections of Viet Nam by Victor Volkman will be reviewed on Violet Cursh
13. Surviving a House Full of Whispers by Sharon Wallace will be reviewed on Go Green Nation
14. Tales of Addiction and Inspiration for Recovery: Twenty True Stories from the Soul by Barbara Sinor will be reviewed on P.S. I Love Books
15. Taming Marital Arguments: Breaking Out of the T.R.A.P. by Robert Rugel will be reviewed on Book Nook Club.
16. The "Oh, MY" in Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy: How to Prepare Your Child for Surgery by Laurie Zelnger will be reviewed on A Sea of Books
17. The Blue Fairy and other tales of transcendence by Ernest Dempsey will be reviewed on Hawaii Book Blog
18. The Evolutionary Glitch: Rise Above the Root of Your Problems by Albert Garoli will be reviewed on Island Girl Reads
19. The Sitting Swing: Finding the Wisdom to Know the Difference by Irene Watson will be reviewed on RYCJs (OEBooks) Reviews
20. The True Nature of Tarot: Your Path to Personal Empowerment by Diane Wing will be reviewed on Readaholic
21. Turtle Dolphin Dreams: a metaphysical tale by Marian Volkman will be reviewed on The 24/7 Mom
The Campaign's page is http://www.ecolibris.net/greenbookscampaign2010.asp .You can also follow the campaign on Facebook and twitter.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!