Matthew Sparkes reports that "Varmints introduces the idea of pollution and environmental issues in a tale of 'ecological doom'. The story revolves around creatures called Varmints, which are described as small, soulful creatures that look on as nature is tarnished by industrial progress, and all peace and quiet is lost -- something which we can all relate to."
The story is combined with beautiful illustrations of Marc Craste to make the imagination and the heart soar. Write Away wrote that "'Varmints' is Craste's first picture book, which has many of the design qualities that made his black and white film 'Jo Jo in the Stars' so remarkable, but with a subtle colour palette."
Eco-doom for children? definitely sounds an interesting combo, and the artwork looks amazing, so you're welcome to check it out.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: a great green gift for the holidays!
Eco-Libris: a great green gift for the holidays!