The second point is easy to start with - I doubt if Amazon will change its policy not to disclose its carbon footprint because of the release of the new Kindle products. As we saw earlier this year, even pressure from shareholders didn't make a difference for Amazon. So what might create a change in its policy? I see three possibilities: 1. Pressure from customers - if there's anything Amazon cares about, it is what customers think. 2. A Greenpeace campaign - Greenpeace knows how to it. Just ask Mattel, Nike, Adidas, Kimberly Clark and a long list of companies that changed their practices following a Greenpeace campaign. 3. An ongoing pressure from shareholders - it can work in the long-run, if more shareholders will join and pressure the company.
Now to the new Kindle's influence on Amazon's carbon footprint - it's difficult to say as so little information is disclosed, yet it is clear that with many more millions of Kindles manufactured and sold, not to mention busier cloud network, there's a good chance Amazon's footprint will increase significantly. This is why we should hope to see Amazon becoming a leader not just in technology and consumer products, but also with corporate responsibility and carbon disclosure.
To read more on how green is the Kindle, visit our website at http://www.ecolibris.net/kindle.asp
Raz @ Eco-Libris
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