The article is entitled 'Lorax Tie-ins Go Overboard: Is it Greenwashing?'. Here's the first part of the article:
41 years after Dr. Seuss wrote this story, the Lorax is back, this time on the big screen as an animated 3-D musical comedy film. The movie is already a big hit, grossing more than $125 million in its first two weeks. According to Box Office Mojo, this is the second best opening for a movie concerned with environmental issues after Avatar. Yet, as some critics would claim, it should not be considered a “green” movie at all, given its massive use for commercial purposes.
To read the full article go to http://www.triplepundit.com/2012/03/companies-lorax-greenwash/
Links to other articles I wrote for Triple Pundit can be found at http://www.triplepundit.com/author/raz-godelnik/
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