We wanted to learn more about Mille Poetes and conducted an interview with the owner and editor in chief, Guy Boulianne (see photo below).
Can you tell us a little bit about Mille Poetes and your work process with authors? are there any specific types of publications you are focused on?
Our main task to facilitate the process of the artists for publishing their works. We know the difficulties that an author may encounter along the way when it comes to publish his book, which is why we want to help ...
Mille Poetes editions mostly publish poetry, but we are also very open to all genres of literature. Hence we are publishing novels, short stories, essays, children books, biographies, science fiction, historical books and others.
Can you provide us with information on some of the books you published lately?
The goal of Mille Poetes editions is to publish authors from everywhere and all countries. Thus we have published books by Jean Saint-Vil (
We are therefore trying, within our means, to work at the international level.
Most of our market is in
Are books in French dealing with the same difficulties that books in English struggle with or it's even more difficult for them because of the relatively limited market (in comparison with the English books market)?
Despite major upheavals in the world of publishing with the development of electronic publishing with new technologies such as e-ink and readers Kindle (Amazon), Reader (Sony) and Cybook Gen3, the world 's French edition is doing fairly well in general.
Like every year Livres Hebdo offers its ranking of the largest publishers in
Then Editis with 760 million euros in sales (recall of editing was recently bought by Planeta) and France Loisirs which still belongs to Bertelsmann with 380 million euros sales, with editions Atlas 378.3 million euros sales, Media shares with 301 million euros sales, Lefebvre Sarrut with 296 million euros sales, Gallimard with 290 million euros sales, Flammarion with 243 million euros sales, The Martinière Group with 237 million euros sales and Panini France with 183 million euros sales.
Livres Hebdo said that “seven of the twelve major players in the French edition are now foreign companies, all European”. In view of these figures, it must believe that the crisis was not too affected the publishing industry that benefits, according to our colleagues from Livres Hebdo yet, a "relatively good health" (Ref: Actualitté).
Obviously we are talking here of the biggest publishing houses in
You write that "Mille Poetes editions works in the third millennium. We are part and parcel of this new form of operation, this new form of economy, which enables us to expedite all processes, simplifying all the steps and open all borders." What do you mean by that? can you give some examples?
Mille Poetes editions are a Publisher on Demand (POD), ie that we print and ship books to the unit and quantity. We use new manufacturing technologies and distribution as digital printing (eg Xerox) and Internet sales. Our books are available at the international level. We do not limit ourselves to one area or one market.
We print and ship the book to the unit when there's a sale. We thus avoid the waste of ink, paper and human resources. We also avoid excessive printing of books that lead most of the time with the pestle for unsold.
What do you enjoy most as a publisher?
I started writing poetry with a depth arts at age 18 and I self-published my first book at age 20. From the start I decided to do everything by myself: I designed the graphics of the cover, I oversaw the typography and I paid my printer for a first printing of 500 copies.
So I made my entry into the professional field of culture 26 years ago. In a very short time the national media in Quebec have spoken of me and my poetry, whether Ms. Francine Grimaldi to the newspaper La Presse and Radio-Canada, or the magazine Le Lundi that at that time more than 1 million readers.
I always took my job very seriously. I extended it in art galleries and television as a conceptor and producer of « Ecriture d’ici » and « Plume et pinceau » TV programs at Videotron.
I have always worked in the field of culture and organized projects and events of all kinds. The fact of working in Mille Poetes editions for me is the logical continuation of what I have always done in my life and now I offer my expertise to other creators.
You can also read my biography that is published on AuthorsDen website, in
What is your favorite book currently and in all times?
I can not give the title of a current book that I would prefer more than another. Several books of several authors that appeal to me once and I can’t provide any details about it.
But, as lover of History, I am in great admiration for the work of Dom CL Devic et Dom J. Vaissete : « Histoire générale de
This work of the two Benedictine is a real treasure for French heritage.
Anyone living on the Earth must have a global conscience. The same goes for businesses.
As a publisher on demand, Mille Poetes decreases the use of materials and human resources. In this sense we already have a non-negligible effort for the health of the planet: we can stop waste at its base.
By devoting 2% of our monthly sales of books for planting trees we complete this process. Regardless of the amount of books we print per month, paper is used and trees are cut. It is therefore crucial to reinvest a portion of profits to eco-system to plant new trees, among other in
It is also important to note that this rebate on profits does not affect copyright for the authors.
As a publisher, how do you see the efforts of the book industry to go green? where do you think there's a need to make more efforts?
The book industry must do as Mille Poetes editions : eradicate waste at its core and back a portion of its profits in the eco-system. As a result there are more and more publishers and printers on demand in the market, which is a good thing in itself.
We must abandon the old settings and the old conceptions of the world. We must develop a new economy around new technologies.
Many developments have taken place since the invention of printing by Gutenberg in 1450 and the recent invention of the computer, via the digital press, electronic books, Internet and online downloading.
Times have changed and only those who can adapt to new paradigms can survive and prosper.
And finally, do you have any message to Eco-Libris readers?
One day, perhaps Mille Poetes editions will translate their books in English. So Eco-Libris readers can learn more about our French authors and creators. Meanwhile it is still possible to buy our books in French on Biblio.com website. This can help them better learn the language of Moliere.
We also invite all people to participate individually in Eco-Libris program so that we all participate together to Greening our beautiful planet. Before it is too late ...
Thank you Guy! For further information on Mille Poetes Editions you can visit their website at Site at http://www.mille-poetes.comYou can also join their Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bradenton-FL/Editions-Mille-Poetes/33329258221
Raz @ Eco-Libris
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