If you have any old mobile phones lying around the house, no matter how old or cosmetically damaged they are, then now is a great time to trade them in for a cash return, and the course of action couldn’t be any easier to send them off to the recyclers. Sell My Mobile compare all the UK’s leading mobile phone recycling companies to give you the greatest price viable on your phone, saving you time and money from having to physically make notes of each company’s quoted cost.
The process of selling your phones for cash is clear-cut and will only take you a few minutes to finalize. Using the succeeding four steps can see you receive your cash within a couple of days and with payout of up to £350 your phone could be worth a lot more than you suppose.
1. Search for your mobile phones model in the search box provided
2. A list of results will be displayed giving you a range of prices with the best price displayed at the top with the phone recycling company that will offer it you.
3. Visit the company website that offers you the best price and fill in your details. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to send your phone away (freepost)
4. You will receive a cheque in the post within 1 – 3 days on average.
Why Choose SellMyMobile.com To Sell Your Old Mobiles?
• We currently compare over 30,000 prices on over 4,000 phones everyday – and currently have the best search comparison engine in the market
• The original and the best! - SellMyMobile.com was the 1st mobile phone recycling price comparison site in the UK
• 147,000 visits per month
• Comprehensive comparison table identifying phone recycler payment methods, best prices offered and freepost options.
• On average 650 phones are sold per day on Sell My Mobile
• 68 million phones are lying around in people’s homes, unused
• The most valuable phone to recycle/sell is the Apple iPhone 3G S 32GB, which can be sold for £302 (May 2010).
In conclusion you are not spending a penny when you recycle mobile phones with Sell My Mobile, yet you’re acquiring additional money to put towards a luxury or unpaid bill, plus you are helping out the environment that we live in.