10 Ways to Green Your Reading in 2012:
1. If you read more than 5-6 books a year and don't throw away gadgets after one or two years to get a newer version, buy yourself an e-reader or a tablet.
2. Buy (at least) one book at your local independent bookstore.
3. Get a book or an ebook at your local library.
4. Download an audiobook.
5. Join the sharing economy, using BookMooch for worldwide book swapping or an ebook lending service.
6. Buy from publishers with meaningful environmental policies.
7. Buy book from a self-publishing author.
8. Read your child (nephew/cousin/grandson) a green book (you can start with the great Little Green Books series).
9. Educate yourself and buy one book or ebook on a green topic.
10. Plant a tree with Eco-Libris for every book you read, now part of the Earth Day Network's A Billion Acts of Green campaign!
Happy New Year!
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: Plant a tree for every book you read!