Thursday, April 29, 2010

Clean body? Sustainable Sushi? Raw for Dessert?

This is not a list of of daily tasks, but just some of the great green books you can get for free as part of
our green gift giveaway:

So how does it work? very simple - when you balance out 50 books by planting 50 trees with Eco-Libris, you can now you can get a free copy of one of these great books (all printed on recycled or FSC-certified paper): Clean Body, Raw for Dessert, Greening Your Small Business, The Simple Little Vegan Dog Book, Sweet Utopia and Sustainable Sushi.

All of these books are printed on recycled or FSC-certified paper and readers can choose from this list the book they would like to receive as a gift from us.

And that's not all:

Readers who will balance out 25 books by planting 25 trees will also receive a $10 gift card for Strand Book Store of New York City, one of the world's best independent bookstores with over 18 miles of new, used, rare and art books. These cards are good for any in-store or online purchases and they never expire.

And readers who will balance 100 books by planting 100 trees will also receive a $25 gift card for BookSwim, a Netflix-style book rental .library service, lending you paperbacks, hardcovers and college textbooks.

More details about our green gift giveaway can be found on the campaign's page at

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!

Comparing the carbon footprint of a search on Google and a Yellow Pages directory

Following my post on the Yellow Pages directories, I received an interesting question on LinkedIn:

All this is based on the idea that internet & generally dematerialization is more "eco-friendly" that the old paper-way. Are we sure about that? Sustainable business is full of "false good ideas". Is there any comparative LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)?

This is a great question and since I am not familiar with such a life cycle analysis I decided to prepare one of my own. Of course not all the data is available and I made couple of general assumptions on the way, but I hope that you will find the results valuable.

OK, so here we go:

For our comparison we will use the figure 12 billion searches, which is the number of annual searches made using the printed directories as reported by the Yellow Pages Association ("
People reference print Yellow Pages directories more than 12 billion times while Internet Yellow Pages sites receive 4.6 billion references each year").

Option 1: Google search
So what's the carbon footprint of 12 billion Google searches?

Following an estimation of
Dr. Alexander Wissner-Gross that was published on the Times Online on January 2009 (5-10g of CO2 per a search), Google announced Google that a Google search produces about 0.2g of CO2. Aleksandr Rudkevich, Vice President in the Energy & Environment Practice of Charles River Associates, analyzed Google's input and explained that this is an average figure. He calculated the worst case scenario (from a pollution point of view): "Applying this to the Google spate earlier this year, if the Google search is powered by coal-fired generation, the 0.0003 kWh of electricity it requires will result in about 0.3g of CO2 emissions, or 50% above Google’s average estimate." We'll use this figure for our analysis.

The equation therefore is: 0.3g x 12 billion = 3600 tons of CO2

Option 2: Yellow Pages directory search
1. Every year, according to Paperless Petition, 540 million directories are distributed in North America. I'll take off 30% of this figure, as the sustainability report claims that "The demand for directory paper has declined 29 percent since 2006". 540M X 70% = 378M

2. I don't have the carbon footprint of an average directory, so I'll use available data to get a good estimate.
According to the Environmental Trends and Climate Impacts report, the carbon footprint of a book is 8.85 lbs. The Cleantech's report says it's 16.4 lbs per a book. Let's do an average - 12.63 lbs per book, or in grams - 5,729 grams (5.73 kg) of CO2.

To be fair, let's consider the fact that the directories are "
containing 40% recycled content. The other 60% comes from "residual chips," a byproduct of sawmills left after logs are converted to lumber.". For our analysis let's calculate it as 100% post recycled paper. Using the EDF paper calculator, we find that we need to deduct 42% of the initial calculation of 5.73kg as usage of recycled paper has a much lower carbon footprint. So, the equation is: 5.73 X 0.58 = 3.32 kg of CO2

3. Our final calculation is: 378 million x 3.32 kg = 1,254,960 tons of C02

[Please note that even if you use the number of 130 million directories that I used initially, based on information on the Yellow Pages website that for some reason I can't find now, you receive a carbon footprint of 431,600 tons of CO2).

Bottom line: Using Yellow Pages directories to make 12 billion searches has a carbon footprint that is 348.6 times higher (!) of using Google on your computer for the same purpose. Again, it's 1,254,960 tons of CO2 vs. 3600 tons of CO2. I believe these figures speak for themselves.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The director of our planting partner AIR is participating in a U.N. conference

Dr. Anne Hallum speaking with students in a school in Guatemala. Credit: AIR.

The Alliance for International Reforestation (AIR) is one of our planting partners and is doing a wonderful job in Guatemala, where it is working
to make a difference for the local people with projects that are based on direct community involvement.

We just got the news that Dr. Anne Hallum, the director of AIR, who is also a
Stetson University Political Science Professor, is participating in the ninth United Nations Conference on Indigenous Peoples at U.N headquarters in New York City this week in her capacity as co-founder and U.S. director of AIR.

Dr. Hallum said that "as a participant in the ‘Small Grant Programme’ of the U.N. Permanent Secretariat for Indigenous Issues, we have been invited to attend this conference, along with many other representatives of organizations that work with indigenous peoples. I am honored that AIR is part of this group of invitees, after 16 years of working in Guatemala. I am excited that we will attend policymaking panels that have on-the-ground impact for people we know very well in Guatemala. I hope to make lasting contacts with other organizations from around the world, and I will stress the importance of sustainable farming at every opportunity."

Last year, the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues presented AIR with a “Small Grantee” award to help fund the building of brick stoves in Maya communities in Sololá, Guatemala. Headquartered at Stetson, AIR also plants trees, establishes tree nurseries and provides environmental education in Central America. Stetson students volunteer with the organization during six-week programs, working side-by-side with local AIR staff in Guatemala.

Women who work at AIR's nursery in San Andres ,Itzapa, Guatemala, which is supported by Eco-Libris. AIR has worked here for six years, producing and planting tens of thousands of trees. Credit: AIR

Since 1993, AIR has trained more than 1,500 Guatemalan farmers, provided materials for more than 700 fuel-efficient stoves and planted more than 3 million trees. In 2004, AIR was recognized by the Guatemalan government’s forestry institute as the most effective nongovernmental environmental organization.

The theme of the U.N. conference, which ends April 30, is “Indigenous Peoples: Development With Culture and Identity; Articles 3 and 32 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” The session includes discussions about human rights and fundamental freedoms, the future work of the Permanent Forum, and dialogues with several U.N. agencies. The
Permanent Forum is described online as an advisory body to the U.N. Economic and Social Council, with a mandate to discuss indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights

Best wishes to Dr. Hallum and we'll keep updating you on AIR and their achievements.

See more information on AIR's website: You can also find more information on our work with AIR on these links:

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Yellow Pages are going green, but how about eliminating the wasteful printing in the first place?

Last week on Earth Day, the Yellow Pages Association (YPA) released its first sustainability report. It included updates on their progress including the news that:

"Yellow Pages publishers use directory paper that contains recycled content. In addition to recycled paper pulp, this type of paper contains fiber primarily derived from “residual chips,” a by-product of sawmills left after logs are converted to lumber. That is, the chips become paper pulp instead of going into landfills or being burned. It is not necessary to use new trees to produce Yellow Pages."

This is good news, but my question is: Do we really need to print about 130 million Yellow Pages every year?

Just think about it - how many of you really use these printed directories? I guess the number is shrinking every year, especially when all the information is available online on their website. But at the same time the wasteful practice of delivering everyone new copies every year is still going on. It's true that now you can opt-out if you want to, but doesn't it make more sense to make it an opt-in process instead of opt-out?

It makes perfectly sense from both a consumer and environmental point of view - give the directories just to those people who really want them and who will actually use them. The only one that might not see it as a win-win solution are the Yellow Pages Publishers as a smaller circulation means smaller revenues from ads.

In their sustainability report,
Neg Norton, president of YPA says:

"Yellow Pages print directories remain a key part of our business and a widely used tool to connect buyers and sellers. In fact, in 2009 alone, print Yellow Pages received 12 billion references. As long as consumers continue to use print directories and our clients see value being represented in them, we will continue to offer that service – but we must be committed to doing so responsibly and with high regard for the communities in which we live and work."

I can understand that the directories are valued and used by people, but again, why give so many of them to others who don't need them? and why do it every year? But, Neg (if I may), if you're really committed to do it responsibly, then you should shift to an opt-in process. Otherwise, no matter how hard you would work to improve the current opt-out unsustainable practice, you will fail to meet your commitment to make the yellow pages green.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Green printing tip no. 42: How to green your wedding with eco-friendly wedding invitations?

We are back today with a new tip on our weekly series of green printing tips, where we bring you information on green printing in collaboration with Greg Barber, an experienced eco-friendly printer.

Today Greg is talking about weddings and how you can you can make your wedding unique and eco-friendly, starting with the invitation.

How to green your wedding with environmental wedding invitations?

Tip #42

Many couples want to have their day be environmental as well as beautiful. They ask us what we would recommend.

I tell them they can print their wedding invitations on 100% recycled paper or Tree Free paper, and have them printed using soy inks.

We stock both 100% Post-Consumer Waste Recycled Paper and Tree Free Paper in both white and natural, earth colors. We print with Soy Based inks, and we feature Green E energy, and low VOC (volatile organic compounds).

We have added a few other papers that have been used for weddings. One is Seed paper. There are seeds embedded in the 100% PCW recycled paper, and the invitations can be planted in the garden and Wild Flowers will grow.

Also, we have paper made from Limestone and Minerals (Rock Paper) called TerraSkin that is a waterproof stock that looks like a dull coated paper and was used to print a 4-color invitation.

Other paper options include Bamboo, Hemp, Sugar Cane, Lemon, Coffee, Banana and Mango
papers. These options are mixed with Post-Consumer fiber, and are considered tree free.

The normal wedding invitation set includes a 5 x 7 invitation, 4.125 x 5.5 reply card, and envelopes that are 5.25 x 7.25 and 4.375 x 5.5.

Direction cards, and Seating Cards and Save The Date Cards can be added to complete your environmental wedding invitations.

A set of invitations, using 100% Post-Consumer Recycled paper and 1 color, black soy inks cost approximately $450. That would be for up to 225 sets. Seed paper invitations might run 3-4 times this price. Bamboo or Sugar Cane is approximately $650.

For additional information, please visit and You're also invited to contact Greg via email at

You can find links to all the tips we published so far on our green printing tips page, which is part of our green printing tools & resources.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: promoting green printing!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Green book of the week: Green Tea Living by Toshimi A. Kayaki (and a giveaway!)

Today we review a green book that can be a good fit to
anyone who wants to make simple changes towards a healthier and more enjoyable lifestyle.

Our book is:

Green Tea Living: A Japan-Inspired Guide to Eco-friendly Habits, Health, and Happiness

Author: Toshimi A. Kayaki

Toshimi A. Kayaki was born and raised in Japan. After college, she worked at an advertising company. Later she moved to Hollywood where she wrote for a magazine and researched her first book. Upon returning to Japan, she published There's No Job a Woman Can't Do. She moved to the USA again in 1989. She has written for newspapers, magazines, and advertising, and has reported for both radio and TV. Kayaki has published 23 books, mostly about cultural comparisons, women's issues, housekeeping hints, and self-improvement. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Sam and son Julian. She also has a son, Nicholas, who resides in Japan.

Illustrator: Miyuki Matsuo

Publisher: Stone Bridge Press

Published on: January 2010

What this book is about? (from the publisher's website)

Starting with the notion that some traditions—like drinking green tea for health and mental acuity—embody timeless wisdom for living, Toshimi A. Kayaki offers dozens of wise old Japanese ways for improving how you look and feel while respecting nature and the environment. Carry your own pair of chopsticks, wear five-toe socks, eat salty plums, use rice water as floor wax, do “eco-laundry,” and always set aside 10 percent for savings . . . you get the idea. By leading a “green tea life,” you’ll help yourself and the planet.

What we think about it?
On the back cover of the book it's written "Over 110 Japan-inspired ideas to help you live better and create a more beautiful world". This is definitely a reliable description, but this book is much more than just X amount of tips. It is a clear mirror, showing us just how unhealthy and unsustainable our life are.

In the western world we got to a certain way of living, which in general is bad for our health, bad for our soul, bad for our our communities and bad for our environment. So why do we keep doing it? because this is what we know and we are not familiar with a better option. Well,
Miyuki Matsuo has one for us - the Japanese way.

Now, don't get it wrong - this is not the book that offers you a magical change in your life and happiness for ever and ever just by embracing these tips. Also, you have to remember that happiness can be a tricky concept - according to a
research done by professor Ruut VeenhovenWorld Database of Happiness at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Japan is only on the 46th place with 6.3 points in the ranking of the happiest nations, where the USA is far ahead on the 17th place with 7.4 points. who runs the

So what 'Green Tea Living' offers you? It offers a vision of the way things could be - a vision living better by following old traditions that proved themselves hundreds of years. Even if you don't implement all the tips in the book, you will find that if you embrace the vision and you're ready to open yourself to different way of thinking, things can definitely get much better.

Bottom Line: A great book. Very recommended for everyone who is looking to be healthier, happier and more eco-frinedly.

Disclosure: We received a copy of this book from the author.


We're giving away our review copy of the book and of course a tree will be planted for the copy!

How you can win? Please add a comment below with an answer the following question: What's your tip for better life? Submissions are accepted until next Sunday, May 2nd, 12PM EST. The winner will be announced the following day.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Looking for an affordable green birthday gift? Now you can get 2 in the price of 1!

We love birthdays (don't forget mine - August 26!) and therefore we're happy to remind you of the option to celebrate a birthday of friends, family members, colleagues and anyone you care about with Eco-Libris!

Eco-Libris is offering you to plant trees to balance out the books of your loved ones who celebrate their birthday. Not only that new trees will be planted to balance out their books, but they will also receive our stickers with a beautiful birthday card made of recycled paper.

And now, if you buy 25 trees/stickers or more you can add to your birthday gift a free green gift:
$10 gift card for Strand Book Store (25 books level), Free "green" book of your choice from our list (50 books level) and $25 gift card for BookSwim, the Netflix for books (100 books level).

We also try to keep it affordable - the added charge for the birthday card is only $1.5. So for example, if you buy a gift of 50 trees/stickers, you will get for $48.5 the following:

1. 50 new trees will be planted on the behalf of the birthday celebrant.
2. The birthday celebrant will receive 50 "One tree planted for this book" stickers to put on 50 of their books and proudly demonstrate their commitment to the environment.
3. A beautiful birthday card
made by Doodle Greetings (see picture above of one of their cards). Not only these cards come with a beautiful design, but they are also eco-friendly - printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper and are made chlorine-free and acid free.
4. A great book printed on recycled or FSC-certified paper of your choice, from our list that currently include Clean Body, Raw for Dessert, Greening Your Small Business, The Simple Little Vegan Dog Book, Sweet Utopia and Sustainable Sushi.

All you need to do is to choose how many of trees you want to plant with us on behalf of the birthday celebrant on our
special birthday gift page (, change the shipping address on the payment page to the address of the gift receiver and we will take care of the rest! If you prefer it, we can also send everything to you.

And of course, if it's your birthday and you want to give yourself a green gift - get yourself a nice green book and plant a tree for it with us!

Happy Birthday!
Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: promoting sustainable reading!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A new book from Flux, "TearSoup – A recipe for healing after loss", is going green with Eco-Libris

We're happy to open Earth Day with news on a new book released by our partner, the Norwegian publisher
Flux. The book is the Norwegian version of 'TearSoup – A Recipe For Healing After Loss' by Pat Schwiebert and Chuck DeKlyen. It is beautifully illustrated by Taylor Bills.

As usual with Flux, this is a green celebration -
we're proud to announce that this book, as well as all the other books published by Flux is going green with Eco-Libris, and 2,000 trees are being planted to balance out the Norwegian edition of this title!

Here's more about 'TearSoup - A Recipe For Healing After Loss', or as it is called in Norwegian
'Tåresuppe – En oppskrift på heling etter tap' (from the book's English version website):

This is a family story book that centers around an old and somewhat wise woman, Grandy. Grandy has just suffered a big loss in her life and so she is headed to the kitchen to make a special batch of Tear Soup.

There she chooses the size pot that is right for her loss, and she puts on her apron because she knows it's going to be messy. And then Grandy starts to cry. At first she weeps, then she sobs, eventually she wails.

Slowly the pot is filled with tears as the old woman steeps away. To season her soup Grandy adds memories like the good times and the bad times, the silly and the sad times. She does not want to forget even one precious memory of her loss.

Tear Soup recognizes and reinforces the fact that every member of the family from the youngest to the oldest will grieve in their own way. Taking their own time and in doing so, find those things which help them best. Essentially, we each make our own batch of Tear Soup when we grieve the loss of someone we love or for any major change in our lives. We make Tear Soup when we move far away from the ones we love, or lose our job.

Tear Soup is Universal. No one is left out. Because we never learn exactly who or what Grandy lost and why she is making Tear Soup, the story remains open to countless situations of bereavement and family members. By emphasizing the individual process of bereavement by making soup, Grandy's brings a warm and comfortable feeling to an otherwise difficult subject matter for many individuals.

More books from Flux:
Turning to One Another

Leadership and Self-Deception

The 100-years' Targets

The 5th Step

The Integral Vision

Dyp glede (Deep Joy):
Arne Næss on deep ecology

Happy Earth Day!

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: promoting sustainable reading!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The future of Publishing - a talk with media industry expert Scott R. Singer

Scott R. Singer has spent the past 20 years advising companies on how to adapt to change, to embrace technological advances, and to put the best strategy in place to deal with the next big thing—essentially, teaching them how to hit curveballs. Therefore we thought he is the right person to speak with on the changes that the book publishing industry is going through.

Scott, a noted media industry expert, investment banker, strategy consultant and the author of HOW TO HIT A CURVEBALL: Confront and Overcome the Unexpected in Business, join us for an interesting conversation on the future of publishing. Here it is:

What is the influence of the launch of the iPad on the book industry?
I think the iPad's launch is a game changer. Not only is it a fantastic Internet surfing, photo storing, app powered, movie viewing device, but it's also a powerful iPod with a gorgeous screen, functionality, and e-reading capability. The iPad opens the door for full color books and magazines to jump into the digital reading sphere.

Do you think the trend of transforming from print to digital is currently no more than just a hype when e-books sales are less than 2% of the market?
Clearly, not everyone will want to read books or magazines in a digital format. There is still high demand and great pleasure derived from reading materials in printed form. That said, a large and growing base of consumers are on the go, looking for more convenient ways to consume
the content they enjoy, and like the eco-friendly nature of an e-reading device.

It is important to keep in mind though that for the most part, every child that's born is "digital" and every elderly person that passes away is "analog." As a result, we are experiencing the third
tectonic shift in traditional media - first music, then video, now print. My middle school-aged children don't have printed text books. They are all electronic.

What is your advice to bookstores, both independent and big chains, who look for innovative models that will help them to thrive in the digital age?
Bookstores need to reinvent themselves as centers of learning and brand development for the content industry. They can be the social hub of all types of media, not just print. By realizing that a portion of their retail sales are likely to be disintermediated by digital content, they
should focus on ways to keep customers coming to their establishments and offer them products that can be consumed in such a manner.

Bookstores are still a place to browse, socialize, and share ideas. They're not libraries, so you don't need to keep quiet. You can drink coffee, meet friends, and buy many things. Not just books.

What's the potential of the e-book market in the next 10-15 years?
There are many projections concerning the penetration of tablet devices. It is my view that there is a huge market for a device that can fill the gap between full computing and a PDA. The more content that's available, the greater the potential. And by that I mean magazines,
newspapers, and text books, not just consumer fiction and non-fiction books.

It is clear that newspapers in a printed form are headed the way of the dinosaur. That industry needs to embrace this change and redesign its business model to deliver valuable, hyper local content in a form its consumers want. No one else is better at reporting on high school sports, the goings on at town hall, or issues facing local school boards.

Do you think the publishing industry can actually gain from the cannibalization of physical books market by e-books?
TV was supposed to kill radio, VHS tapes were supposed to kill TV, and the Internet was supposed to kill them all. But that's not what happened. More content is being created on more platforms and consumed to greater degrees than ever before. I think the publishing world will
thrive in this environment, especially if it is able to deliver more quality products at lower costs, not to mention in shorter production times.

Do you think the publishing industry can actually gain from the cannibalization of physical books market by e-books?
TV was supposed to kill radio, VHS tapes were supposed to kill TV, and the Internet was supposed to kill them all. But that's not what happened. More content is being created on more platforms and consumed to greater degrees than ever before. I think the publishing world will
thrive in this environment, especially if it is able to deliver more quality products at lower costs, not to mention in shorter production times.

Do publishers still have the same added value in the age of POD (print on demand) and social media?
The need for the curatorial and editing skills publishers bring are even more important in the digital world when anyone with Internet access can essentially be a published journalist/author. We as consumers will rely to an even greater extent on our media brands to help us sort through
the online clutter.

Finally, we are going to celebrate Earth Day tomorrow - what should be done to make the book industry more eco-friendly?
Well, the e-reader is perhaps the best answer to saving trees and lowering the use of fossil fuels and reducing emissions. Fewer trees will need to be cut to make books, newspapers, and magazines. Fewer chemicals will need to be mixed to create ink. And fewer trucks will
need to roll to deliver these physical products assuming e-reading grows to the levels many expect. A great result for our planet overall.

Thank you, Scott.

Scott R. Singer is the author of the recently published HOW TO HIT A CURVEBALL: Confront and Overcome the Unexpected in Business (Portfolio 2010). A Managing Director and Head of Media & Entertainment at The Bank Street Group, Singer has more than twenty years experience in investment banking and strategy consulting. He previously held positions at BMO Capital Markets, Deloitte, and Bear Stearns. He lives in New York City and Connecticut. For more information on Scott's new book, see

You can read more updates on the future of publishing on our website at

Happy Earth Day!
Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

40 Ways to Green Your Reading

This year we're celebrating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. We thought how we could contribute to this great celebration and decided to prepare a list of 40 things you can do to green up your reading, hoping it would be of assistance to all the eco-conscious readers out there.

We hope you will find this list useful and that you will get back to it whenever you look for ideas on how to make your reading more eco-friendly. So here we go:

40 Ways to Green Your Reading

1. Join your local library

2. Share books with friends

3. Buy from local
independent bookstores (if you can't walk or bike there, purchase online)
4. Download audiobooks

Check out BookMooch for worldwide book swapping.
Buy books that are printed on recycled or FSC-certified paper
7. Use BookSwim, the 1st Netflix-style online book rental service
Support book publishers and authors who partner with Eco-libris
Read books online by daily email and RSS feed at DailyLit
If you're an avid reader, e-books are probably a preferred alternative from an environmental perspective.
11. Join a book club and share your green insights and ideas with others

12. Buy used books

13. Rent textbooks

14. Donate books you don't want to keep anymore

15. Read books on your
mobile phone
16. Look for books on
17. If you search books on website, you can filter books that are printed on FSC/recycled paper.
18. Learn more about the debate if
e-Books are greener than physical books
19. Support publishers who are members of
the Green Press Initiative
20. Use a
reusable shopping bag while buying books in bookstores
21. Buy new and used books at
Better World Books
22. Exchange books on neighborrow
23. Buy books that are printed using print on demand technology
24. Support authors who are committed to the environment
25. Not sure which eReader is your best green choice? go with the iPad.
Download individual chapters if you don't want to read the whole book
27. Buy from publishers who established environmental policies.

28. Prefer bookmarks with seeds
29. Prefer publishers with green educational programs
Visit bookstores that collaborate with Eco-Libris
31. Buy from publishers focused on the fields of ecology and a sustainable future
32. Follow the example of President Obama and buy books to your kids on independent bookstores
33. Buy books that promote greater understanding of green issues, especially for children.
34. Use twitter and facebook to tell your favorite green authors how you appreciate their efforts to go green
35. Buy from authors who are self-publishing books with green content
36. Share information on green books you read with other readers on Goodreads
37. Support publishers that for them every day is Earth Day
38. Enjoy outdoor reading
39. Follow virtual book tours
40. Plant a tree with Eco-Libris for every book you read!

Happy Earth Day!
Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The future of publishing and bookstores - updates from last week

We are closely following the interesting discussions on the future of publishing, bookstores, magazines and the paper industry in general. Our interest in these shifts are mainly to see how environmental and social issues are been integrated into the future of the book industry. We believe that we will see these issues taken into consideration not just as a form good doing, but also and mainly as business opportunities.

We have created special webpages on our website with updates and resources on the future of publishing, bookstores and magazines and soon we'll have a webpage for the future of paper as well. Not only that, but from this week. we'll update you every Sunday with the latest interesting discussions, articles, lectures and debates that took place last week. So, here we go:

The Future of Publishing:

The Future of Publishing - Ben Werdmuller von Elgg, April 18, 2010

Thanks to everyone who came to Intersection: Publishing yesterday. Our fascinating round-table discussion was cut off far too soon: I think we could have gone on for days and only barely covered the issues. It's clear that an open conversation that treated publishers, authors, readers, technologists and lawyers as equals was long overdue. (Missed it? Watch this space.)

The Future of Publishing - by, April 14, 2010

There's been a lot of talk about how the iPad is the future of publishing and that's probably true. People point to the various newspaper and magazine apps for the iPad as examples of where the industry is heading. To be sure, a lot of those apps are very strong and I'll be reviewing them here in coming days but to see what publishing is really going to looking like in two years you're going to need some help from Woody and Buzz.

We would also like to recommend an interesting talk of Richard Nash(Cursor Books) on BNC Technology Forum 2010 that took place last month and was entitled: Publishing 3.0: Moving from Gatekeeping to Partnerships

The Future of Bookstores:

The bookstore in a future full of iPads - iPad Watcher, April 12, 2010

I love reading books and I love shopping for them. Okay, let me rephrase that. I love browsing through a bookstore, but I rarely buy a paper book these days, always preferring the digital version if one is available. This duality of feelings and the certainty of the inevitable demise of the paper book in the future makes me a bit sad each time I go to a good bookstore.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading

Alan Moir, The Sydney Morning Herald

Friday, April 16, 2010

Om Baby, Child of the Universe is going green with Eco-Libris!

We're happy to announce on a new collaboration with author
Schamet Horsfield on her book "Om Baby, Child of the Universe". This is the first book in the forthcoming Om Baby children's book series and it will be released on Earth Day next week! One tree will be planted with Eco-Libris for every printed copy!

It is a beautiful book full of colorful illustrations that are about love, peace, and happiness.The book's text emphasizes the importance of family, friends, and community. Children and adults alike will love Om Baby's colors, imaginative characters and settings, and the feelings the book evokes within them.

Om Baby is a superhero for the planet, for love, and for global peace. Om Baby reminds us of the most important things in life: truth, love, friendship, family, community, and the potential for greatness within us all. Om Baby provokes thought and stimulates the imagination. Om Baby invites meaningful conversations that will last throughout childhood and beyond. This is a book that will be read again and again as a valuable part of any child's development and education about caring for our environment and our fellow humans.

Author Schamet Horsfield has gone to great lengths to make Om Baby, Child of the Universe as green as possible, using soy-based inks and recycled paper. In addition, Horsfield is partnering with Eco Libris to plant a tree for each copy sold!

You can learn more about the book and the author on her website - If you want to meet
Horsfield, there are already few reading events scheduled for next week:

April 20th and 22nd (Earth Day), 11:00 am
Kids Quest Children's Museum
4091 Factoria Boulevard Southeast
Bellevue, WA 98006

April 21, 12:30-2:00 pm

Seattle Holistic Center
Good Shepherd Center
4649 Sunnyside Ave. N, Room 302
Seattle, WA 98103

These are events for children and adults. Schamet will be reading Om Baby at story time followed by book signing.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading

Green printing tip no. 41: Special tip for Earth Day!

We are back today with a new tip on our weekly series of green printing tips, where we bring you information on green printing in collaboration with Greg Barber, an experienced eco-friendly printer.

Today Greg is talking about Earth Day in a special tip for the upcoming 40th anniversary of Earth Day next week.

What is the advice from Denis Hayes, the founder of Earth Day to us today?

Tip #41

What Does Denis Hayes, the FOUNDER of Earth Day advise us to do now to keep their mission going? It is time to review where we stand, heading into Earth Day.

Last night I attended a screening of Earth Days, a movie coming out shortly, that is a review of "40 Years of Going Green"

The filmmaker is Robert Stone and the ORIGINAL Earth Day coordinator, Denis Hayes, were at the screening and we got to hear from them after this absolutely, terrific movie.

I was like a kid, and asked for Denis to autograph my invitation. That is the one and only autograph I have ever gotten in my life tme. I told him that I started my Environmental Printing businss at the 20th Anniversary of Earth Day. So his dream became my reality in forming my business.

It was funny how they said there were no Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook to help spread the word on the first Earth Day.

They went on TV, they got magazines to feature them, they worked around the clock to make it happen, and it was a bi-partisan effort in our government to support this hugely, successful 1st Earth Day.


Their panel told us we need to energize ourselves, and keep their vision going. We need to encourage our friends to be environmental, and to not forget how our rivers and streams were so polluted, and how the smog in California was so bad, events got canciled. Just don't get lazy and complacent. Push for a better planet.

Don't put all our baskets in Climate Change. We need to control our population, and we need to
save our natural resources, and conserve our energy, etc. It was also funny to hear that President Nixon should be known as one of the most environmental Presidents.

The USEPA and many first environmental laws came because he pushed for them.

So, here we are 40 years later, and we all need to to our part to protect OUR environment.

You can choose to print on 100% Post-Consumer recycled paper.

You can choose to use 100% Processed Chlorine Free paper.

You can choose to be FSC.

You can choose to use a Green E Energy Printer and Paper Mill.

You can choose to call me.

Happy Earth Day!

For additional information, please visit and You can email Greg at

You can find links to all the tips we published so far on our green printing tips page, which is part of our green printing tools & resources.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: promoting green printing!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The reissued novel The Birth Machine by Elizabeth Baines is going green with Eco-Libris!

We're happy to announce on a new collaboration with author Elizabeth Baines
on her novel "The Birth Machine". This is Elizabeth Baines' first novel, which will be reissued by Salt Publishing on October 2010. One tree will be planted with Eco-Libris for every printed copy!

This is the second book of Elizabeth Baines we're greening up. The first one is "Too Many Magpies", which was described as
'Moving and compelling' by Sarah Salway. One tree is planted for each printed copy of this novel as well.

Here are some details on "The Birth Machine":

As Zelda labours in childbirth, she sinks into a surreal world where the past blends with the present, and facts become merged with fairytale and myth. The long-awaited reissue of the groundbreaking eighties novel which exposed a woman’s experience of hi-tech childbirth and tells a gripping story of a long-ago murder and present-day betrayals.

"The Birth Machine" was also adapted by Elizabeth Baines and broadcast as a play for Radio 4

Already it got some great reviews:

A gripping story, a pithy book’Katy Campbell
An increasingly powerful narrative … its presentation of the world of childhood contrasts nicely with sharp satire’ – Laura Marcus, Times Literary Supplement
Elizabeth Baines has a wry humour and satirical edge’ – Martin Nicholls, City Life
This powerful book leaves you with a sense of disquiet, anger and frustration’ – Jessica Corner, Everywoman.

About the author:
Elizabeth Baines was born in South Wales and lives in Manchester. Salt previously published two acclaimed books by Elizabeth, her collection of short stories, Balancing on the Edge of the World (2007) and her novel Too Many Magpies (2009). Elizabeth is a prizewinning radio playwright and she has also written short plays for stage. She is also a performer and has been a teacher.

We'll keep you posted of course once the book is released.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!